

Heaven Heroes
The setting is in 1890, in a time period of inventions were overtaking the world by steam and coal. Smoke was overpopulating the air and newer styles came in and you know the usual surviving people in a time period and being run by a royalty. Ships were coming in with fully loaded iron steel Cole everything okay because we're just being invented by the cable car company known as "the wonders of the future" enough about the area let's go to the castle where the princess is just about to wake up from his beauty rest of nightly rest. (FYI I'm not referring to no video games. This is my own fiction.) Prince Suliton wakes up from nightly rest. Prince Suliton: "good morning to all including my dog sparky it's a great day in bargalyan." But it's really a Smoky time and area because of the industrys of man and mechanical wheels of land and sea. Butler grap: " Yes your hiness, it is a good day." but then the two of them enjoy a cup of coffee and delicious meal of eggs and beans also a side of sweet potatoes in the morning inside the kitchen in the castle where they live in. A minute later on that day a king was killing innocent people in cold blood claiming to be criminals for crimes that no one committed in his kingdom. Prince Suliton saw what his Father has done and the king wanted to kill his prince so Prince Suliton packed all his belongings and took his sword with him and headed to a secret passage that he and Butler grap knew about so both took the passage and never to be heard from again.