

My evil brother
If we try to understand history properly we will realise there were 2 kinds of people in any event we pick and read. One are those who are the warrior kind who create history and fight against kingdoms and become the greatest warriors. And the second are those who decide how the history will be, these are the one's who rule those countries, they use their brains. In short the political type who dont fight in the field but their decision can change an entire country's history. But ages later a boy was born named Jason. He had spilt personality order. One personality was the angry warrior type and one the smart kind. It's even kind of an alter ego for him.

Though it was said no one knew he treated his alter ego as his brother. Which was slowly taking over him. Taking his mind and ruling over his one side. But little did they know that the pace on which the personality switched gave birth to a psychopathic personality in him. The signs were hard to figure but it was taking him off the normal Jason. First killing his pet to the accident of his uncle in a car accident. Which he did by taking control over the steering. The amazing part of his psychopathic personality is that he uses the other personality when time requires. He knew that sitting on that particular place won't hurt him when the car flipped.

He chased his father on the rooftops when he saw his father realised his intentions to kill the entire family. He chased him and his father died slipping off a step while jumping from one roof to another.

Later that night he turned the gas on and left the house with his little brother. As his mother switched the stove on the house danced with fire.

And he traveled away with his brother. He his brother to get help from a family and get inside their house and killed every member of that family. He did this to feed his urge to see blood. Eventually he spared his brother's life as he was a part of his killings.

Years past and no one could ever figure the killer behind it. And after a decade he started his killing spere again. But this time leaving a letter for them. Which was nearly impossible to crack. Those weird signs gave that psychopathic killer the name of 'The Zodiac Killer'.

Till today no one could track him down and the legend killed 37 people and that also they came to know in a letter he wrote to the newspaper publication. Only 7 are confirmed yet.