

Successors are all those who know and do the will of God
Book entitled
The vision,the word and salvation
Written by: apostle Bonifácio

Title: Successors are all those who know and do the will of God

Brethren,i great you all in the Name above all names "Jesus the Messiah".May the holy light of the living God shine down on you as you read His heart.

I got everything holy from the Creator of the universe,and this is His precious heart.

I bless the living God,for choosing me,truly it means a lot...He made it easy for me to travel and see His precious heart.

God sent me to deliver what He showed and told me spiritually... Successors are all those who know and do the will of God,said the spirit of God.

Brethren,i am one of those who fall often...it happens when God allows something to be moved away from my life,and by that time I'll be telling myself that "I can't lose this" and I'll be fighting to keep what God doesn't want to be part of my life,and like that I'll be a fool.

I should fast and pray to know the will of the living God,and when you know and do the will of God you succeed spiritually and physically.

God have been good since day one,and He's forever good that we shall stand by His right hand.

The best thing in the world is to know and to do the will of God,but many of us fail in life because we don't know what He wants us to do.

I am a failure but I can't fail forever because God Himself granted me the code of victory "Jesus the Christ".

This code so called "Jesus the Christ" taught me how to conquer the enemy who makes us fail often and that's to "fast and pray"...By doing so,we conquer the wicked spirits which turn us into deaf and blind.

Blessed are all those who know and do the will of God because those ones He make them conquerors,and they succeed.

We shall pray to God through Christ daily,we shall fast and pray to conquer the wicked demons,we shall do what the apostles of Christ did,and we shall know that when God move something away from us He's not punishing us,it's a way of blessing us,we just need to know the difference between good and bad and by knowing that it's easy to know that "this is the will of God or not".

May God bless you more...I wish you follow the footsteps of the only begotten Son of Jehovah God in order to succeed spiritually and physically.

Do not sell your soul in order for you to make money,instead,suffer for Christ and live in peace.

When you do the will of God,the peace,love and joy are within you.

Follow the footsteps of Christ and be on that trip to everlasting life "heaven".

Son & the
Holy Spirit.Amen

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