

Befriend Me Brother-5
Dear, had your dinner? asked her husband.
She opened the vessel and placed the dish on his plate.
She slowly sat down after standing and walking to and fro for the whole day from 6.30 am to 8.30 pm.
She is well at completing her chores well and earlier as possible. But that decision making is not hers. Her knees signalled her the pain while stretching and bending after standing for a long time she felt like her hip dancing and felt the pain overall her body. Her backbone and the cesarean parts were aching. Taking pills worked not much better. She thought she could sit for a while while feeding her child. But not more than 5 minutes. She was called to take some thing and do some work. Her crying baby was consoled by them just by mere words. She knows not whether her husband knows these things. Then she understood that his mother was the Great hard worker in the whole village. But she knows she is not that much stronger than her though younger than her.
At night her mind relaxed but her body ached. No sleep. He took over her hand with enticing words and pressed her legs to ease her pain. Worked out a night duty of romance with her. Early morning, she felt more sleepy. The whole day she was drowsy being in a position of handling the vessels and utensils in a state of drowsiness. At times the vessels tumbled down and thunder'd. She was blamed by her that she was throwing them wantedly.
This was the routine.
Now she had completed her B.Ed. Thanks to Lockdown.
Now she is a Teacher working for a recognition of being born as a woman and surviving with human dignity.
Now she had some time to sit with her daughter and sit and do some work rather than standing as if in a hell.
But his night duty?
It's just a question mark. If they spend one night together, she wouldn't be able to rise up in the next early morning. The flow of air was not sufficient in their night room. So her husband slept in the hall. She took this as the gift of heaven and slept alone with her daughter on the bed , yet leaving her inner soul beating and knocking for his soothing words and his cuddle. But the pain of her cesarean wounds told her say no to that Knock.
A reminiscing of the past stuck in her overflowing thoughts: Once she thought of running away from the house at night and catch a bus and go to her mom's house when she was vetbally hurt by her mother in law whom she was asked to call as amma. But she was praying God to take her breath away, as she knows how the world will talk of a woman and treat her as vagabondnis she runs away. She thought of that Ahar of Abraham and decided to be controlled until the signal beeps. She began making her mind to consider her mother in law to be in the position of Sarah (rather not physically) and her husband in the position of Abraham and herself in the position of Ahar the slave.
But now she's earning money which was the expectation of her in-laws. So she can satisfy her partner with money rather than that romance.
One fine day she was feeling a lot of pain in her abdomen after experiencing an abortion of which she was ignorant earlier. She knows she can not undergo a family planning surgery, since she can't bear the pain and her old aged mother in law can't take care of her and she wouldn't even send her to her mother's house. So she wasn't ready for a surgery. So she decided to live a lonely life just living consoled by the God's words of grace and help.
Whenever she sees a fan rotating under the roof, she would think of hanging herself. But her thoughts will beat for her girl baby now 4 years old. She would decide that she has to live for her daughter who will one day become a woman like her and follow her footsteps of living a dignified life rather than a robotic human and bring a peaceful and joyful change in the whole lot of women community.
So she now ends up this chapter willing to say this: 'Oh, Creator my God we the women are women until we are in this flesh. After the departure of our soul from this physic, we are your angelic spirits niether male nor female but who knows the wit of the evil force as we were the ones who were well deceived at the first trial and will never be deceived again. So please continue to befriend me and all of us to spread the news of fore-written victory. We women are women only in flesh not in spirit.'
Oh ye ignorant or so-called innocent brothers of this mankind!
Never be deceived by the women who play a vigorous and a ferocious picture of us.
We love your innocence as we too have innocence.
Oh ye men who beat us, torture us!
Remember! you may bind us until we're in flesh but not when we're out of it.
The Nature, The Nature! will play our role in punishing you with whom our souls take a firm, firm, firm stand.
© gladis