

Is positive thinking difficult?
Why humans are attracted more towards negativity. Is it a bad habit which we need to stop..
Can we not train our mind to start thinking positively!

We start doubting when we see everything good happens with someone

We start thinking negative when our loved ones do not reach home or do not attend our calls

We doubt if someone tries to be nice and friendly

We enjoy watching daily soaps or movies where the characters usually cry or struggles till the end

We watch and read newspapers for news which causes anxiety and justify saying we need to be aware

When a stranger smiles at us, we start doubting their intentions

Can We Not Try The Below For The Situations In Our Day-to-day Life:-

Why can't we be happy if someone is successful and appreciate it

Why can't we think positively that maybe our loved one is busy or their phone battery might be drained, hence they could not reach on time or attend our calls

Why can't we be happy and be nice to someone who's being nice instead of doubting them

Why can't we watch or read meaningful stuff and why can't we smile back to strangers..

Has the world and people living in it become so difficult .. Are we responsible for it or the media and surroundings?

I know - It's easier said than done; But can't we at least TRY and think POSITIVELY about people and things around us to make this world a better place!

Thanks for reading :)