


The scorching sun seems to drive us crazy, I can't wait to tell you about an incident that happened two years ago.

So During those hot summer days, I and my dad were on our way to school to get my T.C, we couldn't bear the heat of the sun we stopped to get buy something from the grocery shop somehow we planned to buy a cool drink for the family night dinner but by the time we were out the shop we opened the bottle poured it into our sore throat and quenched our thirst ah!!! That seems good right! half the bottle was empty, we looked at each other and laughed at what we did by the time we went home the bottle was almost empty. the story is funny but the meaning is deep.

Being thirsty and the desperate need to quench our thirst is our utmost priority in our lives more or less we forget that we are thirsty for God and fill ourselves with some other things. Our needs and want are many but something that triggers us on what we want desperately is the thirst that we long and that thirst should be about Our Lord, we should cry out and say, Lord! Please quench my thirst!. Remember temptation is also thirst and if you aren't right with God you might be filled with dirty water. Make sure your thirst is of the Lord and for the Lord.
© Katherine Phebe