

Losing myself
The noise was too loud, almost as if someone was using a drill machine in his head. He craned his head to relieve the cramp in his neck. When he couldn't move he realized where he was; in a coffin deep in the confines of an airplane... he knew this cause he could feel the vibration of the turbulence as they went up in the air and the roaring of the engine. Yet he could not move. Where was he? How did he get here? All these questions flooded through his mind, like flashes of a car driving fast on a highway. He felt himself start to panic. He was trapped. He started to push against up against the wall which was almost like a huge picture like frame on top of him but it wouldn't even budge. He started to scream, yelling at the top his lungs.. "HELP!!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!" but by this point the yelling was like a far away echo. He must of passed out from the lack of oxygen or anxiety he wasn't quite sure which ... When he woke up again this time he was in bed. The relief that swept over his body, made him smile to himself. He even shook his head as to say to himself, shame on yourself for believing it was all real, when it was only a dream.
but as his eyes adjusted from just waking up. Then an uneasy feeling swept over him when he realized that this bed was not his own. As he slowly rised, slowly he realized he was not in his room. The air in this strange room suddenly felt very cold, freezer like almost. which made him shiver, to the point where his entire body shook.
chapter 2- WHERE AM I?
This room was completely white all around. There were no pictures hanging on the walls. No family pictures hung anywhere. In fact there was only two pieces of furniture. t
The first was the small twin size bed he had woken up on and a iron sized table that was chained to the wall but
nothing else. There was a door which he really at first glance hadn't spotted at first glance butonly because it was like a chameleon it was painted white. It blended in so well with the entire room. The only thing that infact made it stand out was that there was a small 6×6 window towards the top that was it. there wasn't even a door knob on his side of the heavy metal like door. But by this time he was straight up afraid. He first tried to eavesdrop see if he could possibly hear anything from the other side of the door by the lining where the door would open if who ever had him captured would ever let him out. *** to be continued ***

© Stephanie hernandez