

Dishonesty pays well.
#HappyFriendshipDay #WritcoStoryPrompt54
I had to call him and tell him what I have found. I dialed up a ten digit number to call my bestfriend. He will be do excited when he will hear that. Calling.
"Hello, Anurag speaking"
"Hello Anurag, jyoti this side"
"Ohhh..hi..Where are you nowadays, no message, no calls"
"Haa yaar, there is a huge work load in this archaeological department, we have been excavating a site recently so I was little busy"
"Then Is there a reason, why you called today?"
"Yeah, I have something exicted to tell you, it is a confidential thing but you are my only bestfriend in this whole wide world, so I can't stop myself from telling you"
"Excited!! tell, tell"
"But first give me three promises, one, you won't tell anybody about this, two, You would believe my words to be true and won't doubt my words for even a second as they would sound unbelievable to you, third, You won't make fun of me"
"Promise , Promise, Promise"
"Okay, so listen up, last night when I was at the excavation site, me and all the other team mates were having our dinner near our tents, we were talking and chilling out by making fun of each other and telling stories".
"Horror stories?"
"Nahi darpok, stories of that site, like what are the myths of that city,what are the good things, what are scary things, what we can expect."
"ohh.. continue continue"
"Yeah, one of my team mate told us that, this city was a fantasy town back then, there are magical powers in the soil of this city. This caught all our interest so we started to ask him what he is talking, and asked for more detail. Then one of his friend who is also a team mate joined him and what they told us and everything happened after that I can't believe that ,Yaar"
" Don't strech it that long jyoti, it is freaking me out".
"Haa haa. He started with telling us that this site has been inhabited by various monks of the city, who were known to have special power, all the citymen had a lot of respect for them. Whenever there were some problems in the city, people would come to these monks because they have solutions for every problem. They helped those who are true, kind, helpful and not at faults. They had magics in their sticks they used to walk with, they had powers in the water they have in their small pot like container, even the soil on which they walked on and had their footprints was believed to be magical. People would use this soil to cure their children's disease."
"This is all foolish".
"Have you forgotten the promise?"
"Okay speak, what happen next."
"Yeah, he showed some search on google about this myth or fact, whatever it is. You know what happen next?" I asked as he really know.
"No, How will I know jyoti, this habbit of yours is so annoying, now tell what happen next."
"We all went to our respective tents after this conversation and I thought about it till midnight then I slept. In the morning we have to continue our searches, we all chooses a place to search on, since everyone has to search atleast 500 metre of the site. Everyone was doing individual search and so was I. This way if anybody found something they will get the benefit of this excavation more than any other team member like his or her name and photograph would be published and history will remember them."
"Why are you going off track come to the exciting part".
"Yeah, so I selected my area, For three hours I had been searching but found nothing but after sometime on that sandy area I found something tight, stronger than sand under my feet, I kicked on the sand two three times then I was sure there is something into it. I bend down to look, first I removed a lot of sand from this tight thing, something grey comes out. I hadn't called my team mates yet to look into it because I want to be in the history, in the newspaper. It was a small grey polished ware box with cap to close it that comes out when I removed all the sand. It was very small. It can be hidden in my fist, it was that small."
"What you did next, jyoti? Am I thinking right from your words?"
"Yeah Anurag"
"You stole it" shouted Anurag in his room.
"Yeah, think about it na yaar. I have found soil in this ware box. I had been feeling hungry for sometime then but still I opened the box and touched the soil and all my hunger was gone. With this soil on my fingers I wished for a cloudy weather because this scorching sun is heating us and within minutes the weather changed. I then rubbed this finger on one of my childhood injury you must have seen on my knee".
"Yeah, then what".
"It vanished, in air, Anurag, like it was never there".
"Talk sense jyoti"
I sent a picture of my left knee to Anurag.
"Yaar this is unbelievable, but don't you think this is dishonesty towards your job, your passion".
"All my wishes would be fullfilled if I had this soil. I don't know anything else."
"Then let's wish for a party together".
"Yeah, come over to all night club , tonight 8 pm, I have arranged everything".
"Is it near your site".
"No, but I have powers, Dumbo".
"okay , okay, see you tonight"
All Night Club.
"Bring drinks for sir" Jyoti said once I took a seat in front of her.
"Have you brought that box with you" I asked.
"Yeah" she opened her cluch and showed me that box. It was a perfect piece of archetact.
"I am already 10 shots down because of you" she said as I was an hour late.
"I am sorry"
"I need to pee, you enjoy your drink".
She move her way to women's rest room. I followed her because I have wishes too. She closed the door after her and to my luck no other women was there, once she entered one of the washroom I started looking for some weapon to injure her and I found a wooden stool which was there in the washroom. I waited for Jyoti to come out of the washroom. Once she was out, I attacked her from the back and run away with the cluch.
Jyoti was late to decide but I won't take any chance. I wished for a big palace. I wanted to be a big and famous writer so I asked for this also but this can only be fulfilled once I wrote a book or publish my unpublished book. I ask for peaceful life. I asked for painless life. I ask for all luxuries. I wished that Jyoti's memories would be lost. I wished for Jyoti to fall in love with me. I wished to marry her and have kids with her.
Next day I visited the hospital jyoti was inhabited in. According to my wishes, she had no memories left , so I told her that I am his college friend and her best friend in this world so she is going home with me as the hospital has discharged. Since no one has come to receive her, she has to believe my words.
When she saw my house, my palace , she was amused. Within days, she started loving this place and I started loving her. We used to talk in the evening in the side garden. We had many meaningful conversations which led her take decisions that she wanted to be with me forever and ever. She wanted to get married. To me. We celebrated our marriage in a grand manner, we invited many celebrities and some friends.
Two years passed, we are enjoying our marriage and I am not regretting my decisions.
I wrote many books over fantasy and love because I know both are real. Magic is real. Belief is real. These books became best sellers in my country as well as other countries. Many readers come to me and say everything you write feels like you have gone through it. They say sometimes, your character in the story feels like a villian.
No one knows that this villian returned the box to the archaelogy team by just wishing one night before going to bed "If I could have returned it I would have" and next day I never found it on its place. Some weeks later, I heard a news that some archaelogist has found in that same place, but I don't remember his name.
Five years, I am playing with my little son. He is very cute. I love him. I love her mom too.

© himanshimangla