

The Snow Mystery Closes
The snow is wild as I ride around then
even I go back in the house. Windy and
wild but laying in the snow I see a man
in our park laying in that snow. So I put
my coat on is he still alive an I learn the
true he gone. The police come and they
say it's the neighbors the crazy people
rented to some unknowns and now
we are dealing with a bunch of idiots
yelling at kids. And tell in me they
better so I did not sign a lease for
this. So I put my earphones in and
turn up the music. And 5 hours
later quiet and dead laying in the snow.
So I think I feel some relaxation coming
on. Oh right about now!
Watching basketball who will win this
game. Who will solve that mystery of that man laying in the snow. So come
to find out he was frozen and did not
know but when he was in the morgue
he got off the table. And yelled at the
tech. What are you doing I am not
dead yet. Then the cop and tech were
happy less paper work for this matter
and case solved.
© lashes sullivan