

Simple Melody
Such a simple melody
Yet it stimulates and calms at once. Brings a sense of enlightenment into my soul unlike anything I've ever experienced. Some might call it jazz or even easy listening and they would not be wrong but for me those labels do it no justice. For me it can only be described as the blues.

Such a simple melody
The people walking by must hear this triumphant work of a musical genius. How they are able to walk along as if nothing is happening I'll never understand. Do they not understand the magnitude of the events taking place before them? The sheer depth of sound they are lucky enough to have in their presence.

Such a simple melody
Not one man or one woman has stopped to offer a dollar or even a quarter to this man with brown wrinkled skin and thick furrowed brow. He doesn't pay them any attention as if they aren't hurriedly tripping over his feet. He just continues picking the strings and playing the melody as if posessed by some musical spirit sent here to bestow upon me today, this sound, the sound of greatness.

Such a simple melody
I drop a twenty into his hat and have to force myself to leave his awe inspiring presence. As I get a few yards away I look back at the man to get one last look at brilliance and for the first time he looks away from his tattered guitar and directly into my eyes. His knowing eyes were piercing mine and on that day we had a shared moment gratitude for one another, I wasn't expecting and I will never forget.

Such a simple melody.

© strictsum

on instagram @strictsumpoetry