

Wicked Love
~Wicked Love~

How we became these beautiful monsters, I do not know? Once we were just beautiful, before you burned and consumed me. This love between us was wild and dangerous, making us just as dangerously wild. We savagely sought our salvation in seeing the destruction of my dear heart. The heart that you held in your very hands, hot and greedy, devouring it and me. Leaving less of what I was and waking up the monster you made me. Monsters make monsters, and we were beautiful weren’t we? We were wicked and the love was something that came with that wickedness. How do you begin beautifully on the road to before this? Taking a road burned by us, that is now just ash and abyss. How do you find the way to the way we were? When did I become this bitch and where did my innocence go? I can barely remember the girl I used to be. You, sweet devil, were always this way. I do remember that. But to a girl that had never seen such a devil, I was deceived by my eyes and blinded by believing you were the best of the best. Relentlessly you rightfully placed persuasion and temptation in my twisted reality. The nightmare of not knowing and now knowing was the beautiful ending to the girl that daydreamed and brought forth the beautiful monster you made me. The monster that moaned like a dirty whore when you devilishly devoured me and didn’t take no for any answer. You silence me with kind kisses and that wicked tongue that you used for more than just talking. Putting it in places that I don’t dear put here for hundreds to see.
Once you burned and consumed me, lighting a fire inside me that will eternally eat me alive, you gave me just enough air to keep me alive, but then in an instant would take my breath away being the one to save me from death.
Now, dear devil, who has that power? Who is now hanging on to their breaths and who is the one holding the control to keep you alive? You are now the prey and I am the devouring devil that will wickedly bring a wrath upon you, leaving you lifeless. Is it eating you alive yet? That fire consuming you, inside and out, burning you beyond anything before. I whispered once, when no one was listening, letting the words of my wish that you would burn for me as I did you. Willing a wish to have you want me as I wanted you. I made a deal with the devil you see? I took his place in the pits of hell and became the devil in disguise. The disguise of a beautiful monster that made you a monster in minutes rather months. I took the time to tightly weave my mischief and mayhem, mold it into the most wicked woman you have ever seen. And you were looking at me, weren’t you? I placed the right words at the right time and turned your wonderland wrong.
Wrapping my wrath around your throat, and this time I won’t leave enough air to save you. Devils do not save savages; devils sell their souls to pay their way. And something wicked this way comes.

Aug. 4th 2020
Tabetha Simpson

© Tabetha Simpson