

The Knight from the west

© alexander

Episode 1 Amazon's Lair

Kradel is now 16 years old when he left the monastery. He is walking from Choguko region to Sanin which is the capital city with his sword that head monk has given to him, ' this sword was crafted out of the meteorite' said the headmonk when he gave the sword to Kradel. 'It can destroy the hardest metal and stone. Take care of this sword. said the head monk. After days of walking Kradel arrives at Sanin, it is a very busy place and soldiers are everywhere. He find somewhere to eat and rest for he is too tired and hungry. He enters a tavern and order some food,while eating somebody approach him, lad I can see that you have a good and strong body you want to work for me? ask Blasme. He is a businessman that delivers all kind of stuff to the nothern kingdome for barter of gold and wine. I want to Kradel replied. Okay son tomorrow you go to the port and look for Blasme everyone knows me there we will leave at night tommorow.Here's some silver Blasme added buy yourself a dress and some stuff for the travel. Thank you Sir Kradel said. Early morning Kradel report to Sir Blasme for work,you help them load the remaining cargo and you secured my safety that will be your job Blasme instruct Kradel. Yes lord Kradel gladly replied, it was mid afternoon when the ship depart Shanin to the Northern Kingdom. The sea is calm for five days and on the sixth day a storm is coming, 'Prepare for the storm!! the captain shouts, the whole night is destroyed by the storm,giant waves and the ship is totally wrecked Kradel saves Blasme and they floated at sea for days.On the tenth day they reached a land,five of them. Search for food and make fire exclaims Blasme. Yes lord his men responded, Kradel starts making fire and starts creating a hut or Blasme when arrows are flying their way,'Cover, save yourself Blasme shouted dozens of women sorround them,they are at the Amazon"s lair.