

the man who wear a crow print mask

Chapter 1

The town of Tamenglong is under quarantine. Its people are unable to sleep,or stay calmly, tormented by a disease known as the SABD(severe acute breathing disease) and is caused by a deadly virus vivid 9, and the infection is spreading. The chairman has commanded me and two other private doctors or expert to end the deadly pendamic, even if that means destroying the town.

In my quest for knowledge, I will try to ease the fear and paranoia of the citizen or fan the flames of political unrest? My fellow doctors become my rivals, allies, or lovers? Will I able to grasp the true power that watches over the town? Or will be a victim to this virus ?

Mud slops around your ankles as the late afternoon rain patters off waxed robes and soaks into the churned field. This soil may once have nurtured rice but is now home only to the sprawl and grime of an encamped army.

I pick my way across the sopping turf, toward the straggled line of tents that serve as a makeshift perimeter. As i draw closer to the canvas array, i see a tattered coat of arms through the rain. The same cock sigil adorns the imperial summons to the town of Tamenglong.

A few Vdf, huddle around struggling fires, some dressed in the black and yellow of their feudal master, others in the same peasant garb they were wearing when ordered to serve. Judging by their demeanor and the condition of the surrounding fields, they have been here for several weeks. The lack of activity suggests most others are taking cover from the weather.

"You, stop there!"

Turning toward the voice, i see a woman striding through in my direction. She wipes some rainwater from her eyes The black-and-yellow livery suggests she's with the soldiers.

"Tamenglong is under quarantine, what's your business here?"

"I'm here to see the chairman. I've got a summons from the Head.
I pull out the calling invitation from my leather bag and offer it to her . She studies the document, darting her eyes from the sigil on the page to the coat of arms on a nearby pennant and back again.

She pauses, looking me up and down again as she considers her next move. "Right. Can't be too careful. I need to clear this with captain Maigaiyang. Stay here until I get back." The soldier glances around at the wide-open avenues between the tents. Then she looks back at me. "Don't…go anywhere," she adds. Chairman, hates it if you're late."
I watch her stride away and disappear between the lines of temporary dwellings. The rain splashes around me and drips from my sleeves. She won't begrudge me finding a little shelter, surely?

As i settle in under a nearby shed, a different soldier dashes up, almost losing his footing in the mud. He grabs my shoulder.

"Are you a doctor?" he gasps out, not waiting for a reply. "Come with me. My friend needs medicine. Please."
Perhaps I can help if you tell me about your friend's condition."
The soldier seems to settle down a bit. "Roninglung…that's his name, he showed me a rash on his leg a few days back. We had to switch patrol duties because he found it hard to walk. Anyway, now he has the sweats, and the leg isn't healing.
Has the wound turned a different color?" I asked

"Nah, it's still all red and fleshy," he says. "I'm Joujian by the way."

Satisfied that the rash has not yet taken an unpleasant turn, i tell the soldier to first wash his friend's leg with vinegar. He nods as i dig into my medicinal pouches and produce some powder. I instruct him to combine this with honey, warm the mixture, and smear it on the wound.

"I'll have to barter for the honey, but if you say it'll help Roninglung, then it's worth it. Thank you.
As i hand over the Powder, the two of us are joined by the woman.

Joujian greets her with enthusiasm. "Get this one to the chairman.Tamenglong needs…" He pauses, suddenly conscious not to assume who resides beneath the mask and the outfit.we needs them, got it." With that, Joujian heads off at a sprint.

"You're actually still h—ere, wise choice. To wait as instructed, I mean. Very wise indeed." The returning soldier walks a full circle around me,adding under her breath, "…and they say Roning isn't fit for guard duty."

I greet her and note with relief that the woman no longer finds pointed at my gut.

"All right," she says. "Good news, chairman is eager to meet you. Well…those weren't his exact words, but you're clear to see him." She points at a flag, fluttering higher than the more modest building. "Head for that coat of arms with the bloody great bird on it. With the blue and red and white background . The chairman likes to remind us he's always watching over our activities. Or just soaring above us all. It's one of those."

Her message delivered, Roning strides away across the sodden camp to pursue some new duty.

to be continued.........
chapter 2 to be published tomorrow afternoon....

© bamriguipamei