

Game: Chapter 4 - Substandard Bridges
Popularity of the game BETA reach everywhere, trending and breaking target demographic. It even attracted people who seek to use the platform for their personal interest. Early morning, the head developer of PROPHET Incorporated received a letter coming from one of the department of defense generals asking for a private meeting. Wondering if they had protocol lapses or law violations , the head developer obliged.

It was a rainy Tuesday, they both agreed to have the meeting in a hotel conference room since the general claimed that he is a friend of the owner. The developers were late due to the traffic and was a bit underdress. The head and his assistant developer were just wearing casual shirts while the general was snappy on a formal suit together with his bodyguards. The assistant imagined and thought it be funny to give them nicknames, the left and right hand men in black bodyguards.

They finished their presentation about the game application BETA without interruptions from anyone, so the lead presenter opted to ask if there are questions in order to clarify. The general responded that he has none but proposes to weaponize the application and make it the center piece of his anti-terror covert program. The developers knew that the general was a dangerous person to go against. After they have received the letter request from him, the head developer surfed the world-wide web to check his background. He made a counteroffer to sell the game application for one million dollars. In addition to contract, they should have full legal immunity to release them from all liabilities if and when the generals ' program goes sideways.

On the other side of the table, the left hand bodyguard notice something on the general. It was the same grin that was up to no good partnered with the eyes that reflect a devious glare when he saw that woman. It was in a cabaret on the edge of the red light district where people of power hangout discreetly opposite from their respectable lives. She was a young beautiful singer, more like a sheep that caught the attention of a monster in the woods. In wooing her, the general concealed his status as a married man. He never missed every show she did and bringing gifts like flowers, chocolates, and jewelry.

Soon the prey gave in to the predator and the relationship kept in silence bore an offspring. The burning flame did not stay hidden because it also creates smoke like a beacon for interested parties. It was not long when the legal wife caught a whiff of her husband's illicit affair. Furiously she responded in paying gun for hire men to clean up the mess and preserve their reputation. The general immediately ordered me to hide her in the Visayas region and place the child in an orphanage.

She was one of the women in the generals' roster of lovers. I was the bodyguard assigned to monitor her whereabouts and give information about red flag locations where she should not roam. Thus we still keep in touch while the general and his family forget and move on with their lives. Overall, if our ward is defiant to the generals' protocol then we are commanded to dispose of her.

Time passed, she met another man in an exclusive event where she was asked to perform by a friend. They got engaged and the year after, they formally got married before their first offspring gets born. This man belonged to a prominent family and owned a lot of businesses. Unfortunately, her mother-in-law socializes in the same circle of elite people as the generals' wife. Cunningly, the generals' wife assassinated the character of the woman in the eyes of her mother-in-law. This strategy proved to be effective to release her from their protection.

Her happy ending did not last, the husband was coerce to file for divorce or he would not receive his inheritance because of the fear that this scandal will disrupt and topple their businesses consecutively like dominoes. Given the husbands' family social status and leverage of connections, they won the case neither granting her one bit of fortune nor the custody of the child. Knowing the prior outcome, she kept the information of her second pregnancy and thought of returning back in Mindanao.

I warned her about the plot of the generals' wife but she was scared of her life and had nowhere to go. She gave birth in the house of her parents where a midwife was the substitute doctor and medicine are wild herbs taken from the forest. Although in the province things are not that sophisticated but it is easy for people to notice who are strangers in the area because everyone knows each other. Indeed the place provided sanctuary for both her and the newborn but this was only temporary. One day she asked her parents permission to go to a nearby town in the hopes of acquiring work to support the needs of the child. Sadly, what was waiting for her in the outskirts of the town were the hired gunmen itching to finish their target and claim the bounty.

Snapping out the flashback, the negotiation proceeded with the general closing the deal. He was bearing the smile of a person intoxicated in power. They shook hands and then made a small remark that life going to more exciting for everyone or is it?
© benzene march