

Dragon Mountain Nightmare
Some dreams are meant to come true, but what do you do when your nightmare comes true? Do run the opposite way or face your fears? I couldn't run; that's all I'll say. Tinkerbell alerted me about a mountain. I didn't want to hear about it of course. Yet, I took two Never Sprites, Darling and Sunny, there. Ever since, we've fought warrior elves, Imps, Goblins, Light Dwarfs, Dark Dwarfs, Miners, and other "mythical" creatures. If this were a fairytale, I'd still have nightmares. The Sprites continuously bring scrolls. I must read them all to learn about these creatures. I must study Martial Arts, weapons, caving safety, advanced first aid, magic, etc. I am at heart a shy guy. I fear the Sprites will be beaten down, so they can't get up. I'm afraid Darling will be taken advantage of; she's so kind-hearted. Sunny may become violent. We've had to fight Dragon Mountain's inhabitants to get items we needed! They would not give those to us. More Sprites have helped us on our quests. Night is sweet, but she does have a tendency to wander. Night might get captured exploring Dragon Mountain by herself. Red is not assertive; neither are Shy, Dark, Darling, Snowy, or several others. Sunny is too friendly! During fights, he smiles at his opponents; they become angry because of this. Dark can see in the dark, but that doesn't mean he should go anywhere alone. Friendly talks during fights. In between kicks or jabs, he's cracking jokes. Dragon Mountain's inhabitants do not like these attributes of his personality. Flower shows up unexpectedly. Doing this distracts fighters; Never Sprites may startle. Flower brings food and drink. She fights to protect other Never Sprites. Dragon Mountain's inhabitants do not like when their opponents have outside help. Many cultures in this mountain will kill offenders for that. They consider outside assistance not standing on your own feet. I must go to one of the Horrible Guards. Don't show this to Minnie!

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