

40 Shades of Strength
Today is one of the most fulfilling days of my life—not just because it holds significance for me, but because it symbolizes the quiet change happening within me, in how I live and in the direction of the choices I've made.

As I turned 40, I made the bold decision to free myself from the invisible chains I allowed to trap me for so long. It felt as if I had been holding the key to my freedom all along, but I had been waiting for someone else to unlock it for me. The moment I surrendered everything beyond my control to God—my fears, my misplaced expectations of people, and the disappointments that came with them—was when I began to experience a deep sense of freedom.

The unresolved feelings of anger, frustration, and disappointment that I held inside my heart consumed me, draining the energy I could have invested in what truly mattered. Although the unfair treatment I went through felt like a curse at the time, it has now become my hidden advantage. The betrayals and lies have made me into someone who understands that those painful experiences were not obstacles but stepping stones on my journey.

Letting go of my expectations—of others and of...