

Life Of Me
I don't even now if anyone wants to be friends with me. I'm short I'm stubborn and I look odd. I have always wanted to be someone else. Just looking at other people and seeing there legs, arms, and feet, they look normal. They look like normal people. But not like me. There once was this time, about when I was eight. I was sitting there at the table sitting there at luch with my ONE and only friend I had. She was kind of like me but more normal. We were eating and talking and all of a sudden this girl comes by. Sits at the table, takes one bite of her pizza and, starts talking with my friend. It got weird fast. I wondered why she was there and what was her name. I never got to know but I'm glad I never did. Sitting there at the table while they were talking I felt like a Third Wheeler. She would look over at me once and awhile, but I wasn't going to talk. The bell rang and it was time to go to class. Then the day went on. The next day the same thing happened, but this time they were at a different table with all of these other girls. Me all though wasn't going to try and talk to them, I just went and sat by myself. All after noon she was talking to her new friend and never talked to me again. We never talked we never ate lunch together we never walked together again. We spread apart farther and farther everyday. Then it was time for Middle School, and she moved. I still have her number till this day but I never have enough hop to try and call her. I want to but I'm sure she has many other friends now. But someday, I hop I will.

Part three soon.
L. M.
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