

Crazy (Chapter 5)
Once Pepper and her brothers are in front of their neighbors house, Daphne, runs straight to Pepper. The cute little four year old clings right to Peppers legs, hugging her.
"Hey little monkey." Pepper hugs her back
"Hiiiiiii! What took you so long to get here?"
"Slight delays." She picks up Daphne and starts walking into the house.
"You took so long that Bubby and Daddy had to leave!" Daphne exclaims
"I'm sorry. I got here as soon as I could."
"It's fine. Now let's go eat. All this waiting for you made me hungry."
"Okay." Pepper giggles
They get into the house and Pepper smells cooked veggies. They smell so good!
"Hello Mrs. Rabbitt." Pepper calls out.
"Oh hello dear! Come in, come in!" Mrs. Rabbitt says, coming out of the kitchen with the same cheerful smile she always has.
"I made fried chicken, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, and cooked vegetables. Help yourself. All of you."
"Thank you ma'am." Pepper smiles at Mrs. R.
Mrs. R always made Pepper and her brothers feel welcome and loved and wanted. She was almost like a second mother. Actually... with how little they actually saw their own mother, Mrs. R was more thier first than second. Their father was never around either. He is in the military so they see him once a year, if they're lucky. They've never had a great relationship with either of their parents but thier father was always the one they could talk to. Their mother never really wanted anything to do with them.
Pepper sits at the table and Daphne and Daphne immediately starts eating. Theodore, Paxton, and Matthew sit down as well and make thier plates.
The dinner is wonderful. Full of laughter, love, and much conversation. Something that rarely happens at home. As soon as everyone is done eating, Daphne jumps up from her seat.
"Mommy? Can me and Pepper go to my room to play now? Please?" Daphne asks her mother as polite as she can.
"If it's alright with Pepper." Her mother smiles
Pepper looks at her brothers as if to ask, 'Can I?' Her brothers look at each other for a moment before looking back to Pepper and nodding.
"Alright! Let's go Daph." Pepper stands up and Daphne zooms straight to her bedroom.
Once in her bedroom, Daphne maneuvers around all the toys in the floor, and jumps on her bed full of stuffed animals. Pepper walks in as she grabs a very specific duck stuffed animal and holds it up proudly to show Pepper.
"Look what Bubby got me today! Isn't it just sooooo cute?" She beams up at Pepper.
Pepper, in that moment, realizes that Daphne nor her mother has actually said her brothers name. Ever.
"That is very cute Daph." She pauses and smiles at her. "Do you actually know his name? I've never heard you say it."
"Um yeah. Of course I know his name." Daphne has the 'duh' tone of voice as she plays the stuffed duck.
"Well what is his name?" Pepper questions as she sits on Daphnes bed with her.
"Okay... what does your mommy call him?"
"Oh. She calls him Draco."
Pepper, upon hearing the name, starts blushing madly. "W-what? D-d-draco... is your brother?"
Daphne nods. "Yeah. Why did you just turn red?"
"N-no reason. I... just go to school with him is all." Pepper quickly tells Daphne, not wanting to spill the whole truth. She sighs. "He's probably never here because he hates me."
Daphne drops her toy and looks at her babysitter like she's insane. "What? Hates you? What are you talking about?"
"He talks about you to his friends all the time... about how nice you are and pretty and caring."
Pepper looks at Daphne in her bright blue eyes with shock. "Wh-what? But he bullies me and trips me. All the time. Like every day."
"I don't think that means he hates you Peppy. He said one day he wad bathing you so you would pay him attention."
Pepper starts to blush again. "I don't believe you."
"But it's true!"
"Okay. Whatever. What game do you want to play?"
"Oh umm..." Daphne taps her chin, trying to think, when all of a sudden the front door opens and slams shut and Daphnes face lights up.
She runs out of the room to the door. Pepper just sits there, watching out the door in confusion. She hears a semi deep, hot voice that she recognizes walking down the hall followed by Daphne giggles.
"Crap." Pepper mutters as Daphne runs into the room and jumps on Peppers lap saying, "Come on! This is my friend I was telling you about!" Daphne points to Pepper and looks at the door. Pepper slowly looks to the door and she sees no other than Draco, leaning against the door frame with a big smirk on his face.