

Dawn At Sunset -3

Lee Min-Jung cursed as his large glass of wine slipped through his fingers and fell to the ground, staining the white plush carpet. It was not even the middle of the day but by God had he needed a drink.

His furniture business back in Seoul had become rather demanding of late. Last month the company released an ad featuring popular pop group Black Pink - and who knew 4 pretty girls looking playful and gorgeous in their new line of exquisite Italian Leather chairs could sell their stocks like hot bread?

So for the past month Min -Jung had to be hopping from Seoul to Incheon, from Incheon to Seoul to make sure the surplus of demands for the new couch line was met and everything was running smoothly with other orders, not to mention holding down the fort for his chain of restaurants back home.

It was exhausting to say the least and when he drove home that morning a large glass of red wine was all that was on his mind. However as he bent down with some cleaning supplies to try to remove the stain, an over excited voice and a small petite figure bearing two boqets reminded him of the third ball in the air.

The wedding bells seemed to toll loudly in his ears as he saw his soon to be wife Yun Young-mi come over to where he stooped rubbing vigorously at the carpet.

"Honey! I need help with the boqets. I was thinking an assortment of lilacs and roses maybe with a splash of forget-me-nots but mother said orchids and honey suckle are better for a spring - summer wedding."

Lee Min -Jung willed himself not to sigh and put on the best smile his tired face could muster. "Well honey, lilacs and roses sound very pretty I think that could work," he offered.

She crinkled her dainty nose in thought. "Yeah," she said after a few seconds.

Min-Jun breathed a breath of relief returning his attention back to the cleaning, glad that it was over.


Oh of course it wasn't. With a less than proper smile he looked back up at Young-mi. "Yes honey?"

"But maybe the orchids and honey suckle would go better with the dress. Don't you think?"

"Honey the dress is white. Last time I check any colour goes well with white."

"Hmm true," she said crinkling her nose in thought once more, "But some colours make things pop more! Maybe I should try the assortment of lavender and river lilies or sunflowers and daisies or -"

"Honey," Min-Jung finally interjected standing to his feet. "Stop overthinking okay everything will be fine."

"I know baby but I just want everything to be perfect," she pouted stucking out her bottom lip.

Lee Min-Jung chuckled at her cute gesture and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"I know honey. That's one of the reasons we hired a wedding planner, to take some of the burden off. So why don't you let her do her job?" Min-Jung said affectionately rubbing her arm.

"I know, I know" Young-mi said bobbing her head like a child. "Fine," she said holding her hands up in surrender. " I'll let her do her job." she placed the boqets down on the center table. "Oh honey what happened to the carpet?"

"Dropped my wine glass," Min-Jung replied glancing at the unfortunate mess. "Hadn't even taken a proper sip yet," he lamented.

"Oh hush up with you," Young-mi frowned giving him a quick slap on his firm chest. "Look what you and your wine did to my carpet. It's barely ten in the morning and you're drinking."

"Not true! It's ten o' clock right now," Min- Jung added with a cheeky grin, showing her his watch.

"Not the point Min-Jung," Young-mi replied pushing away his hand.

"Fine," He sighed with resignation. "But things have been really stressful lately."

"For me too honey but you don't see me drinking my problems away."

"That's because you annoy me with all of them."

"What was that?"

"Nothing babe," he said quickly flashing her a smile. "Just said I better get this mess out of the carpet." He stooped to the floor to resume his cleaning but she stopped him.

"Just leave it. It's a waste of time anyways. I'll have it replaced." Her phone beeped signalling an incoming SMS.

"Oh it's Ki-soon! She wants to meet up for lunch at that fancy restaurant downtown. Sure thing!" she exclaimed as she texted giving the affirmative.

"Fancy restaurant downtown? Is she referring to the French one -Enchanté?"

"Yep, that's the one."

"But Young-mi that's our competition."

"So honey what's the big deal? We are just having lunch."

"What's the big deal? Young-mi what will the press say if they see you there. Oh I know : Fianceé of five star chain restaurant owner dines at the table of his rivals. Oui Oui!"

Young-mi laughed a hearty laugh at his bad french accent and theatrics as she finished making her arrangements with Ki-soon. "You're so dramatic hun. As I said it's just lunch. Nothing bad about it. If you want I'll wear sunglasses, black gloves and a fake mustache."

"Haha very funny," Min-Jung replied dryly.

Young-mi laughed in a delighted fashion, her thick hair bouncing about her as she flitted off to change.

Min-Jung opened his mouth to say something but the closing of the bed room door caused his words to fall to the floor in an involuntary sigh.

When had Young-mi become so, so...frivolous he pondered.

He gathered up the cleaning supplies and started to head to the basement to deposit them when his phone rang.

"Hello," he answered without checking the caller ID.

"So I nearly spill my guts after my umpteenth toenail patient today and ditched work to get wasted. So I thought I hit up my boy to see how he is doing."

Min-Jung felt the corner of his lips draw up in a smile."Tae-woo."


There was silence between them and then they both bursted into laughter.

"Nice for you to finally call," Min-Jung said after the laughter subsided. "If I didn't know any better I thought you were dead."

"Oh come on Jung-Jung it has only been like what? Three weeks."

"A month and a half!'

"Errh, Well it's hard to tell these days. I can barely get a wink of sleep without having nightmares of my pager chasing me."

Min-Jung laughed at that and whatever semblance of tension that was forming dissolved.

"So how you've been man, getting married and all. I am still your best man right?"

"Of course," Min-Jung replied leaning lazily against the washing machine. "I wouldn't hear the end of it if it wasn't so."

"Damn right!" Tae-woo chirped. "So are you free now? Let's hang."

"I don't know buddy. I wanted to catch up on some sleep."

Tae-woo laughed at this. "Jung-Jung you and I know that there is no sleep for the wicked so get your but down here."

Min-Jung mulled it over in his head. On one hand he could really use some sleep especially if he might have to drive back to Seoul tonight. Then on the other he and Tae-woo's schedule had kept them so busy that he rarely got to spend any quality time with his best friend anymore. Plus it would be nice to talk to someone.

"Well..." Min-Jung sighed.


"I could definitely use a drink right now."

Tae-woo chuckled. "And the faster you get here the sooner we can make that happen."







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