

So Simple
Written by S.A.Y.

Calvin Reynolds, the richest man in the world, spent the last several months spending great amounts of money to buy luxuries that would please his wife, Elvira, for he thought she was unhappy for some reason. She has not shown any, not even subtle, signs of happiness, joy, ecstasy, or any other positive emotion since some months ago after she and Calvin had gotten married. After looking up signs and symptoms in books and talking to several local doctors, Calvin eventually came to the conclusion that she was depressed. He tried to make her feel better by buying her valuable and rare material objects such as jewelry, fine linen, satin and silk, rare plants and animals but to no avail. Every day, Calvin grew sicker with worry. Elvira never even cracked a smile. He told her he loved her countless times, he gave her anything when it seemed she wanted it, he did everything he knew how to do and he still could not see what the problem was. Until one day she finally spoke to him.

“I'm bored.” She then walked away, leaving the utterly confused man alone in the master bedroom. He had nothing close to a clue of what she meant by those words. For one thing, he didn't see how it could even be possible for her to be bored; everything she has, after all.

Later that evening, Calvin took a walk down the aberrantly desolate road of the old city to clear his thoughts and gather up new ones. He repeated the words spoken by his wife in his head over and over again like a record player that would not stop skipping. He was ill with confusion, infected with the unsureness that spread through him faster than any germ or virus imaginable. The massive darkness of the night surrounded Calvin and took him in, swallowing him into the many depths of black. He continued to walk down his path of desperation and misery until he saw something bright and shiny in the distance. So bright and shiny, it was probably the only source of light throughout the darkness. He reluctantly walked up to it, not knowing what it was. The light got bigger as he moved closer. It seemed as though he was walking into the light of heaven, but dead he was not. He would find the cause of his wife’s sorrow before kicking any bucket, that was for sure. Once he had gotten within two feet of the light, it seemed to dim down as so he could actually see what it was. A flower. He arched a brow and picked it from the dirt ever so gently. How could only a flower be so bright without the sun’s assistance? And it was so perfect. No bruised petals nor any sign of damage whatsoever, not even the slightest of imperfection befell this plant. Suddenly, the words from his Elvira rang in his head once again. He sprinted home.

Once there, he presented the flower to his wife, exhausted from the running and from all the thinking. As Elvira took the flower from him and examined it, Calvin waited for a response, kneeling in front of her, motionless, soundless, and mouth slightly agape. Elvira looked down at him, showing no emotion whatsoever.

"What's this?" She finally asked. Calvin just stared at her without blinking until he came to his senses and found the perfect words.

"That. It's my love for you, Dear. Do you want to know why?"

Elvira arched a brow. Calvin gets up onto his feet and looks his wife in the eye.

"When I was out walking… my whole world was dark. Empty. There was nothing in it, not a speck of light. Until I saw that flower. I didn't even know what it was until I had gotten up close and personal with it. And I picked it. And it brightened up my whole world as it were before the darkness came. That's why I married you. That's why I love you, Elvira."

Elvira was at a loss for words. Her eyes were wide in shock yet she still held the flower with gentle security, keeping it close to her heart, protecting it from falling onto the dirty floor so as not to taint it's beauty and perfection. Calvin again waited for a response but he didn't get any. Elvira was as silent as she had been these last few months. She was absolutely speechless. She couldn't say anything.

So she just smiled.

© S.A.Y.