

my cousin
"um"connor was right in front of me, sitting on my bed.

"why are you in my room connor?" I asked simple.

connor gave me a look, I couldn't identify.

"because" connor said.

I was waiting for connor to say the rest of his sentence, but he didn't.

"because?" I asked, I wanted to hear his explanation.

"because I wanted to have a talk with you"

what could connor have want to talk to me about.

"about?" I asked, a little a scared of what we might talk about.

"don't worry ellie, it's nothing too serious" said connor in an assuring way.

connor patted the spot on the bed near to him, gesturing for me to sit beside him.

I was a little taken aback, I didn't know what we were going to talk about, and my heart started racing for some reason.

I took very slow steps towards the bed, and set slowly besides connor.

connor was smiling for some reason, which made me feel uneasy.

"why are you smiling?" I asked, still feeling uneasy.

"no reason"said connor putting a hand on my leg.

I felt a shiver go through my body, what was connor doing.

"connor" my voice was but a whisper.

he started rubbing my leg with his hand.

I was so shocked, why would connor do this to me.

"connor, what are you doing" my voice still but a whisper.

connor stopped rubbing my legs and started to rub my belly.

it felt so weird, having someone touch me.

but I didn't want to scream and wake up my parents or maybe I just couldn't scream.

after connor had stop rubbing my belly, he had started to rub my shoulders.

I don't understand why my cousin is doing this.

connor had come for a visit, mom and dad had said he was going to stay for twso weeks. and today was he's first night!!!

"connor" I said, stareing straight into his green eyes.

"why are you doing this?" connor had stop touching me.

"oh my sweet ellie" said connor, puting his hand in my hair and stroking it.

for some reason it felt good while connor was stroking my hair.

"connor can you continue stroking my hair" I asked in a pleading voice.

"oh my, it seems to me that you like that" said connor with a devilish smile.

"I do, I really like it" I said honestly.

"don't worry my sweet little ellie, I'll continue to stroke your hair as much as you want"

the last thing I remember was connor putting a blanket over me and whispering a 'goodnight' to me, and then everything went dark.

the end