

Chapter Fifteenth

Candy P.O.V

He pinned me againts the wall, put his tongue in my mouth.He lift me up cleared the table and put me on the it.

Marks P.O.V

I should be leaving now but she wants me to stay, all I want is a little taste at least one droplet of her blood. I slowly went down to her neck my fangs slowly started to grow.

"I'm sorry"I whispered.

I bit down into her flesh she scream I held on to her hands.

"Mark!"she said, she was weak.

I moved my head from her neck and licked her blood of my lips. She stayed there lying on the table with her eyes closed. I sat down on the floor.

What have I done?

I watched as the blood drip off the table from her neck. Soon it stopped her skin tone change pale and cold.

I got up and looked at her, I took her up and brought her to back to her room. I laid her down on the bed. I sat there and watched her transform.

Lana's P.O.V

"Its been three weeks Nathan! Three!"I said.
"Your point?"he asked staring at me.
"I need to see my bestfriend"I said.
"She's fine, she calls you right?"he said.
"Yeah! but I need to see her"
"Why don't you ask Sebastian"he said.
"I want you to take me there"I said.
"Lana it's late"he said.
"And you where sure enough to let Sebastian take me there"I said.
"On second thought, I think you should go to bed now. Don't worry we'll go see your friend tomorrow"he said.
"Yay!"I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He walked me to my room.

"Sleep with me"I said.
"Ok"he said.

I smiled.

I headed to the bathroom.

He grabbed my arm.

"Where are you going?"he asked.
"To change into my pjs"I said.
"No need to"he said. I pick me up threw me on the bed and got on top of me.

"I'm sorry Nathan, but my body is off limits I'm only 17 years old."

He took off his shirt and I stared at his abs how is it possible that I've been with so long and I've never seen him without a shirt. He leaned over to me.

"You where saying?"he asked.
"Do whatever you want"I said.
"gladly"he said.

(■■I ain't writing bout that🤐■■)

I woke up in the middle of night I heard shouting from outside my room, it was Nathan and Mark.

"You F***ing idiot!"Nathan yelled.
"I didn't mean to"I heard Mark say.

I got up and opened my door and walked out.

"What's going on?"I asked sleepily.
"Lana go back to bed"Nathan said.
"How am I supposed to sleep if you two are yelling at each other?"I asked.
"You are gonna teach her how to control it"Nathan said to Mark.

Mark left and Nathan followed me back into my room.

"What was that about?" I asked as he laid back down.
"Nothing"he said.

I laid down beside him, placed my head on his chest.

"Please tell me"I said.

he sigthed.

"Go to sleep Lana, you need your energy for the moring if you really wanna know"he said.
"Ok"I said nervously.

The Next Morning.

I woke up the next morning, he wasn't there. I went to freshen up then I left my room. I went down to the first living room. Nathan was there sitting in the sofa he looked depressed. I slowly walked over to him.


He looked up and me and put a fake smile on his face.

"Hey"he said.
"What's wrong?"I asked sitting down beside him.
"I don't know how to tell you"he said.
"Don't worry I won't push you to"I said.
"I want to tell you"he said.
"Okay"I said.

He sighted and looked at me.

"Candy changed"he said.
"Meaning?"I asked.
"She is one of us"he said.
"What are you talking about?"I asked.
"Last night, Mark turned her. She doesn't know what she is but the bite takes a full 24 hour for her to completely change so I don't think she'll be awake anytime soon"he said.
"Candy! is a V-vampire, I- how- B-"
"Lana, it's ok she's gonna be fine"he said.
"So she doesn't know?"I asked.
"Yeah"Nathan said.

I took out my phone went to my gallery and looked at the pictures I took.

"Whenever he/she decides to be turned, they are to give the Vampire there blood in return." I read out loud. "If candy didn't know how could she have asked?"I asked him.
"She didn't ask"he said.
"So Mark turned her without her permission!"I yelled.
"Yeah"Nathan said.

I stayed silent.

"Lana that book is really old it's been around for such a long time"he said.
"How long is a long time?"I asked.
"Before my great, great, great grandparents where born, and besides rules where made to be broken"he said.
"How are you so calm about it"I said.
"I'm not"he said.
"Ok, so she needs about 24 hours and she was turned last night so she won't wake up until later on today"I said.
"And don't worry, Mark is with her"he said.

Candy's P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes. I saw Mark sitting down in a chair.

"What happened?"I asked.

He looked at me.

"You're awake!"he said.
"Was I in a coma? How long?"I asked.
"This is not possible how can you be awake!?"he asked.
"Awww, you missed me"I said.
"Are you feeling alright?"he asked.
"I feel fine"I said.
"Do you remember anything?"he asked me
"What are you talking......about"

I remembered what happened.

I felt my neck, it was fine.

"Mark? did you do something to me?"I asked.
"Candy it's time I talk you the truth"he said.
"Ok"I said with a smile on my face.
"But please don't get mad"he said.
"Is it that bad?"I asked.
"It could be"he said.
"The reason my eyes turn red when I kiss you is because you turn me on and all I wanted was your blood, the reason I wanted yoir blood is because I'm a Vampire. And last night I turned you into one"he said.
"I don't get it"I said.
"I guess I'll just have to prove it to you"he said.
"Okay"I said nervously.

His eyes turn red and teeth grew out his mouth.

I screamed and jump off the bed backing up against the wall.

"S-s-stay away!"I said.
"Candy yo-"
"Please don't talk!"I said.

I sat down on the floor.

"Just stay quiet for a while, please"I said.

Right now all I want to do is go and jump in his arms and attack him with kisses but I also want to run away as fast as I can. I still love him but I'm scared. Right now I don't know what to think, how did my life go to this? I wasn't scared of his eyes when the changed but this is too much. A vampire? when I was young I was obsessed with them but it was obvious that they where not real but one is sitting in my room right now. That obsession stopped but I still found one. I though they where myths, nothing added up there wasn't a trace of there existent. This is too much.

I placed my head on my knees.

"Why tell me this now?"I asked.
"Because, I turned you"he said.
"So I'm just like you?"I asked.
"Yeah and I'm sorry"he said.
"Dose Lana know?"I asked.
"I guess"he said.
"Dose she know about the Vampires thing?"I asked.
"Yes"he replied.
"Is Nathan a Vampire?"I asked.
"Yes"he said.
"Sebastian?"I asked.
"All of us"he said.
"So it's a house full of vampires?"I asked.
"Yes"he said.

I got up and looked at him he looked back at me.

"I'm gonna have to take you somewhere"he said.
"Where?"I asked.
"Somewhere peaceful that way I can help you control your abilities"he said.
"Ok, when do we leave"I asked.
"Now"he said.

Within the blink of an eye he came over to me took me up and ran off.



srry if this ending was rushed🤧
© kel