

Written June 25, 2019

Despite the darkness that surrounded her, there was an ever present love that lingered behind her still ascending walls.

No matter how hard she tried, it seemed the world continued to detest her, always sending complications and blockages in her direction.

She took small steps to get through all of these, but it would take time and patience to get where she needed to be.

It's hard when you're doing it alone in most areas, but strength and determination is what keeps her moving forward.

She holds her chin up to face her problems head-on, pushing through the thick mud that surround her ankles to slow her down.

One of her main problems was receiving no help when it was needed most.

This alone feeling is always intensified because of the power she possesses within her mighty soul.

It pulses, deep and resounding, like that of a beating heart.

There is a light that shines in her heart and her enemies do what they can to dim it down.

Pushing her limit as close to the edge as they can in order to find out how much she will tolerate.

They don't know that once she's had enough, there's no turning back.

She tries to keep herself distant from the troubles that do not involve her, but she finds herself suckered in.

It's as if trouble is what she was made to endure.

When they ask, she steps in to solve the problem, pointing out a new direction they never thought about taking.

Emotions were hard on her from the beginning and it was constant chaos inside her mind.

"One day," she would think to herself, "all of this will change."

A new spark of hope arises and the flicker of life continues to grow, snapping and crackling within her darkened shell of a body.

The new light casts shadows, but they hold no malice.

Those who do will be burned and banished, forced out into the void of nothingness where not even death exists.

Similar to an angel, she walks through her darkness as a true warrior would.

Shining brightly and keeping her peace, even through the tough times.

Her wings, although broad and strong, were fragile, like that of a butterfly, but much more than just.

Her heart; pure, yet tainted and slightly cracked, held more than just pain and sadness.

There was a hidden betrayal she tried so hard to forget about, only to come up short and lose the ones she loved most.

It started to seem as though everything was sand in her cupped hands; it all slipped through her fingers and drifted off in the wind, leaving her to watch as they danced away in waves and spirals. Their happiness carrying them far off to a land she could never reach, let alone catch a glimpse of.

The thought rips her apart inside, but she bites her tongue until the numbness takes over, letting a forced smile grace her youthful features.

Speaking about any of it was like talking to a wall; they didn't understand her.

She spoke in metaphors, beating around the bush so she doesn't reveal how truly hurt she is, but there's a tiny hope within her heart that one day, someone will understand her.

When does she ever lose hope?

That's what hurts the most. It's always there, burning in embers, but never quite extinguished, nor ignited.

So her constant question comes back to haunt her; will I ever be enough, or must I continuously fall apart?

All she wishes for is some kind of change. To have love and happiness without the pain and suffering.

Her natural neutrality has gotten stronger over the years, making it harder for her to remember what it's like to feel real love.

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