

Mystified Love Of August (ch#8)
It's been two days since I haven't used my hand for writing anything. But I think it's healing well, as I've been using burn cream and taking medicine on time. Now I can't resist myself from writing – if not the email, then the novel I was working on. I should start posting it as well, so I can get feedback from people. I can't share it with my friends, otherwise, they'll make fun of me. So it's better to post it anonymously. I've almost finished writing my first chapter; I just need to proofread it and then post.


Today, I don't have class with Eric. However, as we're working together in a group project that needs to be completed before the term ends, I'll have to collaborate with him for days and nights to finish it. The project involves writing a book – it can be a novel, a scientific book, poetry, a comic, or a Manga. We haven't decided what we're going to do yet, and that's probably why he asked me to meet him in the library today. Ahhh! I don't want to meet him :-|, but I can't do anything about it because I need good grades. After all, I won their writer's championship before taking admission, and one of the prizes for the winners was admission to one of the best literature universities – Soul Arts and Literature Sciences University in Imagine Town.

Now you might be wondering about Imagine Town. Well, it's the place I live, and I live alone in my apartment because my parents were always busy and traveling for their business trips, which, as a child, I hated the most. When I was a kid in kindergarten, we lived here, then I traveled with my parents to another place. I completed my middle school there, and for high school, I returned here with my mother. In my last year of high school, my mother had to go again for business reasons. She wanted me to complete my high school with her, but I insisted on staying. I was tired of traveling from one place to another, changing schools, and dealing with making new friends, which was especially challenging for me as an introvert. Starting a conversation was hard, and I don't even know how Aria and Alex became my friends.

Living alone and spending all my time in imagining things, I started writing. Soon, I became fond of writing short stories and poetry for myself. Words became my closest best friends to express myself and my emotions.



I got frightened by the noise of my phone ringing, maybe because I was too much in my thoughts and forgot I had to go to the university. Eric must have been waiting for me there. Now he'll probably tell me I'm irresponsible and don't know how to manage my time. Ahhh! That man makes me sick.

Eric: "Hello, Darling. Where are you?"

Alessia: "First of all, don't call me darling. I warned you last time, or I will not work with you."

Eric: "Sorry, darling, but you don't even have another option."

Alessia: "Get lost."

Eric: "In you or in your thoughts?"

Alessia: "Just shut up, Eric."

Eric: "Okay, ma'am. Now please come fast. I've other things to do as well."

Alessia: "I'm on my way. Bye."

I cut the call before he can say anything back again.


I'm entering the library. I never thought I would be working with him. It's the worst month of my life. People love and enjoy August with their partners, and here I am, with him, fighting over little things and his childishness. Let's be professional with him. Just keep calm, Alessia. He won't eat you.

"Hi, you're finally here."

"Yes, I am."

"How's your hand? Is it better now? Is it still hurting? Are you okay now? Did you go to the doctor? Do you want to see a doctor? Should we do a check-up?........"

I laugh while he was continuously asking questions. "Woah! Woah! Enough questions. I'm totally fine. It was just a tea burn, and it will heal soon. It's not a big deal."

"Glad to know that you're fine."

"Should we talk about work now?"

"Yes, we should, Miss Alessia."

"Okay, so tell me what you and the other members decided? What are we going to write?"

"Umm, we didn't decide anything yet. Give me your suggestions first."

"Give me a brief review of what you guys have discussed before, so I can give my opinion. I don't know about your skills or about others."

"Okay, fine. So hear me out. Maybe you know or maybe you don't, but I'm more into comics, manga, etc. And I'm also pretty good at drawing them. Your writing is amazing; you have great words, and your words can breathe life into our characters. The other two are pretty skillful too. One of them is a creatively adept background painter; he can create all types of designs. The other one is good at researching things, and he's highly creative when he works. He's intelligent and can also help with proofreading. We've got the best team."

I was listening to him describe everyone's skills so precisely. When he was telling me about their skills, he looked like a completely different person. I never knew he could think of others better than himself. I always thought he just knew how to rule others.

"Interesting, so you know about everyone's key points and strengths."

"I just noticed them, checked everyone's work, and came to my conclusions. By the way, you're the leader."

"Me, a leader? Why? I mean, you're more suitable to be a leader."

"You're no less than me."

"No! Still, I don't want to be a leader. You should be, because you know all the details about everyone in the group, even about me. I didn't even know what's best for us to work on."

"But I wanted you to be the team leader, because there's only you who can keep me in my limits," he smirks.

"Ok, enough of this bullshit. You're the leader, and it's final. Now just let me know when we're going to start working on it."

"Your hand is still in no position to work. The rest of us will start our work from tomorrow, and you will be joining us after a few days."

"I will be joining you guys from tomorrow. I'm fine."

"No, you won't."

"Yes, I will."

"I said no, so no. I'm the leader, and you must listen to me. Understood?"

I didn't reply to him, but I didn't want to stay at home for more days. I got tired of resting; I want to do the things I love.

"Understood, Alessia?" He startled me. He's closer to me this time. Why haven't I noticed him being this close to me? My heart started beating faster. He looked into my eyes, and I nod, then he goes back to his seat again.

"Now you can go, Alessia. Take your class and then go home and rest."

I stand up from my seat without saying anything.

"Listen, Alessia?"

"Hmm, what?"

"If you get tired of being alone and resting at home..."

"I'm tired, Eric, and who wouldn't be? I'm done with being by myself," I said in a tired voice.

"I know, Alessia. You can join us from tomorrow as well."

"Can I? Ohh, I'm so happy."

I gave a big, bright smile because I couldn't control it, even though the person standing in front of me is the man I hate the most in this entire world.

"But, Alessia..."

"But what?? Please let me come, Eric, please."

"Darling! Don't make things hard for me. I can't say no to you, and you keep insisting like that. That's why I'm letting you come, but you will have to listen to me."

"Eric, please! Can't you stop calling me darling? It makes me uncomfortable. Please! And I will listen to you, if you will not stop me from coming."

I said in a soft voice. It's the first time ever I've told him to stop calling me darling in such a calm way. Is it me? I can't believe it.

"Okay, Darling. Oops, sorry, it just came out. I will try not to use that word so you don't feel uncomfortable with me. After all, you will have to spend a lot of time with me this semester."

"Hahaha," I laugh. He is sick, crazy, and an idiot...

"Alessia, you should go now and rest."

"Yeah, yeah! Fine. Bye."

"Bye, see ya."

He smiles at me as I'm heading out through the exit door, and unfortunately, I smile back at him. What's happening to me? Did I just forget that he is the person I hate? He's the person I should stay away from, the person who might take revenge. Okay, okay, forget it, Alessia, you are just sick. Go home and sleep. Well, you've been sleeping before coming here. Doesn't matter; I need more sleep. I'm the laziest person alive on this planet and need sleep 24/7.


I woke up; it's the next morning, and today we are going to start our work. But he... why hasn't he texted me the location yet where we will be working?

Ping pong >>

Ping pong >>

Oh, what's that? Ahh! It's my text tone. I updated it yesterday; how could I forget such things? Alessia, are you seriously a loser or something!!!

Oh, it's Eric.

Eric: Are you coming today, sweetie!!

WTF sweetie??? Does he want to die?

Me: Bro, I'm not your sweetie. You better stop calling me such names, or I will kill you. Understood?

Me: And yes, I'm coming.

Eric: Bro???

Eric: When did I become your brother?

Eric: Sweetheart!! Didn't you take your medicine? Should I bring it to you?

Me: Can't I call you bro? You're calling me anything you want, but I can't even call you bro? Isn't that unfair??? Hmmm?

Me: Don't tell me you're upset because I call you bro. Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Let me call you "B.R.O.T.H.E.R". I think that suits you more. What do you say, "BROTHER"?

Eric: I'm not your so-called brother, Alessia!!!!

Eric: Darling, listen to me! How can I be your brother? Huh? I mean, you can call me anything you want but brother. Don't do this to me, sweetie.

Me: Mr. ERIC! Actually, no....

Me: Brother Eric, I know you won't stop calling me such names, so just tell me the location so I can get ready, "BROTHER".

ERIC: Crystal Terrace, 25th floor (paint house), Street #12, Imagine Town. At 5 pm.

Me: Okay, Brother!

Eric: I said stop calling me brother...

Me: I won't, brother. Bye!!! See ya!


"You better not come today after what you've said, or you will regret it."

Eric: Mark my words, Darling Alessia. I'm not giving you another second chance.

Eric: Bye! Love ya ;⁠-⁠)


I hate him.

I hate him.

I hate him.

I hate him so much. Yaaaaaaaaaah!

I scream, but not too loud, or my neighbors will come to my door to look...

Was he threatening me? Was he really threatening me? Does he think I'm scared of him? Him? Seriously, him? Who does he think he is? What if I go there? What? What can he do? After all, I won't be alone there. There will be other group members as well.

Should I not go? No! ALESSIA! Are you scared of him? No. I'm not scared of him. But if I don't go, he will think I'm afraid of him, and I can't be scared of him. I'm going there no matter what. I'll go a little late and leave early.

© Soul🥀