

"Ok. Are you ready?"

With that shout from the photographer she realised how perfect this all was. How she had managed to reach this point, she wondered. All the work it took. All those meetings, the arrangements, the fake smiles, all leading to this. She nodded to her photographer, to show that she's ready, and also internally felt proud of the fact that she had a photographer, with a DSLR, that in itself increased her self-worth tenfold. She posed professionally, with pride. Her costly dress emanated her beauty, her heavy makeup brightened her confidence and her shining jewellery emphasised her worth as a woman.

And as the photographer was about to click, taking his time, as pros do. She slowly started to raise her skirt to show her thighs, as agreed beforehand. And the photographer clicked one. And she raised it higher, and the photographer clicked again.

She had wondered before the shoot, what will she think of when she does this. Perhaps she'll think of her father's disappointed face, or maybe she'll think of her mother's angered blames. No! That was not it, because what she was thinking of, was her ex.

And the more she thought about him, the bolder she got. The rage she had, turned into confidence, the anger that came turned into radiance.

"And... Good. Ok, one more" said the photographer.

She lifted her skirt completely to show her underwear, pulled her blouse lower to show her forbidden skin, she played up her hair, liked her lips red, gave an erotic smile, and then the camera clicked.

© Kai1992