

episode 1 Who is the black ⚫?

A woman in a beautiful, fashioned red suits walking along on the road at night when there was a silence, haunted her but she was ignoring it with her music ringing in her head phones. She was smiling for some personal reasons which she was wondering in her mind, as she looked into her mobile she forgot somebody might be looking her from nowhere "Hello! Darling yes I am coming soon... tomorrow and I will talk to my father for the auspicious marriage of you and me!" She said to the person on the other side of the mobile, by shyly. Suddenly the dogs near the woman started barking at her, they seemed to smell something and they could see something. Which might be beyond the woman's thinking. The slowly moving sound of the wind passing by the woman seemed to tell warn her for some one. She opened her headphones and try to hear that, the moving leaves of the trees and the birds sleeping inside them were all sleeping might be waiting for some one's eternal sleep "Hello! Rohit... I think someone is following me..." Within a moment, her soft-beautiful face converted into sweat-fearful face as she saw the shadow in the dim light of the moon and street-bulb. Her mobile fell on the road from her hand and from it, only a single sound could be heard, "Hello! Hello! Kaviya ??"

"Breaking news! This is our seventh murder with the sixes that has been happening from last month in the city, we found a half cut body piece of a woman in very bad state in the pond but mysteriously the upper part is missing..." Somebody muted the television and angrily kept it on the desk, "oh ! Seventh and I can't do something... what a unsuccessful police I am!" said the angry voice of the Constable. The police station was crowded with a large number of reporters who were busy in questioning the innocent officers. Rakesh, the honest Constable said, "Wait! Let our, Sir to come. here!!!" when reporter asked, "Who is your sir? Any irresponsible police officer??" when everybody

heard the noise of gun fighting which was actually the weird sound of an Emfrim Boolet. Rakesh's face lit up, to see the person in the bike who came through the reporters wearing a sun- glass. "It better to go to the jungle side rather than querying, hurry up! I am behind" All the reporters ran away in the direction, when Rakesh ask the bike-officer, "How do you know..this?"

"Don't you think is needed to reach the jungle than this?" said the officer. After all the population was noticed less, The strange officer who had a batch of IPS on his uniform, sat on his desk, opening the drawer of his desk where he put out one picture of a girl which looked like the recent-murdered girl, then he lit up his cigarette and put a cut from the stomach by the fire in the picture and cut it in half.

The scene changed showing a body on the tree with its head turned 180° angled back. It was in so terrible state that a fit man could get a shock. It was only covered with red blood and its chest was completely opened cutting into half, making the bones out and also same it was a part of upper body and it was the body of the Seventh-murdered girl seeing the hanging dead body on tree and a letter 000 inside the body in the place. The heart of heart where a supposed to be but it was the piece of paper pasted there by blood, and shinning by a red light powered by battery, our Rakesh's eyes froze at the spot.

"அடுத்த நடவடிக்கைக்காக காத்திருங்கள்" written in the letter, which was showed to IPS- inspector Rajat who hurriedly stood up from his chair and was found surprised and angry but just a moment ago the inspector was seen in a satisfied look and this was the point caught by Rakesh. "What a clever the Killer is! don't you think it can take a lots of patient to catch him? Sticky note in Tamil!" Rakesh hesitate a bit, "No sir!... No means. Yes sir... Are you busy in something?" curiously asked by Rajat as he saw his attention on the paper "No! Wait for the next action!!??" replied by him in full confidence seeing the paper though pretending at that time. "I can't see the murder of girls anymore, today at night I will set a trap for him!" saying this he went out threw the paper in the dustbin showing a strong mysterious attitude that he knew Tamil too.

Rakesh on bike on the road going through the path in the jungle when his curious eyes caught the reflection of sunlight on him not from sky instead from the depth of the jungle. He thought it might helpful for him so he followed the reflection and found a blood stacked mobile phone on the grass near the jungle-side where he turned his head suddenly and found a sticky note sticking on the tree. "Poor Constable! why you are risking your life in doing your duty? Where is yours family..."that he got a shock and he saw in the mobile phone. A live video of his daughter reading books in her desk and Somebody was recording, could be seen from behind, suddenly a dagger entered in the scene. Rakesh lost his ground under his feet, threw it and ran towards his house like a athletic runner.

On the otheside the killer in the house was unknown of the presence of somebody else except Rakesh's daughter. Actually she was not reading books nor the man behind him in hoodie was a killer, actually he was her college friend Shankar and with the help of him, she was just engage in a short film making. As gasping poor Rakesh entered the room he found her daughter on the floor with the hoodie-man with the dagger, the pretend of her daughter, "Help!" was thought as true. He stealthily went through and kicked the man. The hoodie of Shankar got opened and Rakesh hold his collar tightly, "Cheater! I can't think that you!" "uncle. No, I am..." Interrupted by Rakesh as, "shut up!" Then her daughter shouted and told him that they were playing a role actually and it was a shooting going on. After listening all this things Rakesh hugged Shankar tightly and told that for him only to that day his daughter was saved or if the killer was there instead of Shankar then.. as they were discussing all this things they heard a loud cracking sound from the hall-bathroom windows. All of them ran towards the room and found the glass broke and had fallen on the floor with a sticky note.

"This is the trailer and Shankar is not a permanent guess!" The most horror to a police officer, a killer just hit his heart, Shankar decided to help Rakesh and he made him trusted to Rakesh as he was a clever boy that he had ever seen after Rajat. Shankar, a modified cleverest boy in the college loved and liked by all as he was known for his adventures in revealing certain mysteries of the college such as to find a theif Or a naughty boy in the college. As the plan was set properly, Inspector Rajat, Constable Rakesh and their new supporter Shankar reached at the spot, where Rajat already set a trap for the masked-killer. Evidently Rakesh's daughter went there with him for they felt the spot much safer than the house. Again a woman with a short skirt which was glowing and it was red was put on the road, Rajat decided to become a Auto-driver to noticed all the activities, while Shankar and Rakesh was ready with their bikes but Salini, the daughter of Rakesh stood behind praying for the girl to be in the auto-rickshaw soon. In the acting, the auto with the Inspector in it was passing by the woman, who showed a sign to stop the vehicle. Then she entered it and the auto moved on, however they hadn't seen Rajat in the auto but they took a man as Rajat who was wearing- a mask and in the auto rickshaw. Suddenly they shocked to see Rajat on his bike coming from behind be, To continued....