

What Lurks in the Woods
If you're reading this I am probably dead. I feel like someone should know about what I saw. Maybe you won't believe me. Maybe you won't even read this. Either way I have to get it out. This is my testament.

There's a legend about a creature that lives in these woods. Some believe it doesn't exist but I know it does. I know. I have seen it. I don't think it has a name. I'm not sure what it is, where it came from or how long has it been around. But I do know what it looks like.

The creature is tall, taller than any man, taller than some of the trees. It is covered in thick dark fur. Chunks of it are loose on its legs around the elbows. It sheds a lot. Everyone thinks there is a pack of wolves running around with such amounts of shed fur but I know otherwise.

It likes to run on all fours but I've seen it stand on its hind legs like a man. It is fast. Very fast. I've seen it climb trees and mountains alike, its long claws working as ice picks.

It's claws are retractable - like those of a cat. They can slice through anything from what I saw. It has a long furry tail that is also very cat-like. It turns and twitches depending on the creature's mood.

But the features I remember most of all are on its head. A fox like face with a brown snout on its end. A mouth full of razor sharp teeth.

Its eyes are the most extraordinary, wary and intelligent, as if they can see right into your soul. I could not believe it at first but I can swear to you now those eyes can change their colour. I've seen them blood red and I've seen them ice cold blue. But each time it looks directly at me, they change into purple. Purple like lavender. I don't know what it means...

I don't know why the creature is letting me live. It won't let me leave the woods though. I've tried many a time but it appears it wants me to stay. It's a game and the rules evade me. Any wrong move can cost me my life. Or not. Maybe it wants to keep me around, so it won't kill me.

I've had enough of this madness. Enough of this constant fear of whether I'll live to see another day or not. Tomorrow I'll try to kill it. It seems the only way to set myself free. The only way to leave. You might not know the outcome of this battle, but if you're reading this, if you're really here...

Watch your back. Watch out for what lurks in the woods. Don't let it get you. Don't let it lure you in.

© terakope