


Three years. That is how long it had been since my initial encounter with Shane. It is not something I can forget, or even want to forget. A lot had happened since then, and now the irony was sinking in. I was only beginning to realize it from my perspective.

I remember how we had met— a lovely night at my favorite bar in town. I remember that night and I could still see it vividly in my head.
In the serenade of the night was a special kind of blackness, the kind that wanted only to hold the stars and help them to shine all the brighter. It was a warm black that hugged you no matter what, and within it's safety I could feel my own soul all the more clearly, that innocent inborn spark. The sky was just a black tranquility married to a poetry of stars. It was the softness in it that called body and brain to rest and let the heart go to its steady calm rhythm. Night came as a reward of sorts, a restfulness from above which calmed my soul.
Although, I found the darkness strange. Living in the heart of a city, I had grown used to having the warming, glow of streetlamps outside their light filtering through each household. This was a blackness that I couldn't recall seeing before - one that was almost absolute and clear. When I tilted my head skyward I could see clearly millions of bright stars dotted on the black canvas of night, yet none of that light seemed to filter far enough down to make any difference when I turned my eyes away. As I walked towards the bar, I reminisced with pleasure the view of the stars, and in it my heart is safe, my soul serene.

As soon as i entered the club, I was greeted with loud music and some people dancing like crazy mostly drunk while there was still sobriety amongst a few. I decided to make my way to to the bar. As I start to weave through the crowd, I could smell the scents alcohol and strong liquor diffused in the air, and I saw guys and girls making out against the walls. Just the usual.

It's a club, but everyone was attempting to appear proper in their high end suits and attire. I and some others , were the only ones that look normal, I think. But I guess 'normal' is relative, right? It was a fancy nice place alright, a sort of minimalist-classical, but that was okay for us. We were born to stand out and the Tia and Maria there was pretty darn good.

If I could have melted into the club, I'd have beeb the vibe, moving around as easily as the smoke. I would have soaked in all the laughter and the smiles, danced upon each octave in microscopic disco shoes. But meanwhile, back in reality instead of my imaginary world, I'm life-size, and so, instead I opted to step into the bar that opens my eyes all the wider, see the muted colours of the bottles and the glitter that finds every spark of light. As the night went on, I felt maybe I would be more comfortable in the crowd, intoxicated by spirits and the moments all the same.

Once I had gotten to the nicely lit bar showing displays of wines and cocktails, I sat alone and ordered my usual drink; Tia Maria with coke and ice. Couple of hours had gone by by and it had become very late and dark outside. Not long after, the Dj switched the musics genre from hip hop to a nice reggae rhythm and I was feeling the music. Soon, I began to swing my hips slowly side to side as I leaned against the bar. When I was having my third drink, I saw with the corner of my eye the movement of a person approaching and felt his eyes were staring my way. I saw him coming and he sat two seats away from mine. He ordered his drink then starts talking on the phone. I wondered how he could hear anything with all the noise surrounding. I was slightly dizzy by then. As i turned to face him, he was already only a seat away from me. Instantly, I looked up at him and he had this sparkling beautiful brown eyes, red soft looking lips smiling wide at me. He lifted his glass to take a sip of his drink, and my eyes followed his full, red lips. I could smell his husky fragrance as he moved slightly against my arm.

Smiling at me, he offered a drink which I promptly accepted and thanked him for it.
“You want to dance?” I asked him.

“I do not dance.” He replied, pouting his lips slightly in very attractive manner.

“Well, I am gonna go...” I said, inviting him to join me, and with that being said I jumped off the stool and headed to dance floor.

I slowly moved my hips to the beat. And before I knew it, my whole body was moving to the beats. When I turned around to look at the bar again, I saw him still staring at me. A smile tugs my lips and I turned around and started dancing again. Although, I was dancing I was dancing more seductively this time around. I wanted him to keep looking at me. As I danced on, I could still feel his gaze at my back. I was tempted many times to turn around and see if he was still looking. Finally, I gave in and turned around. To my surprise, he wasn’t there anymore. I stopped dancing as I scanned around for him.

“Looking for me, darling?” Someone whispered into my ears while encircling my waist with his hands. My shuddered from the sudden touch. I turned around slightly to see his face. My face widened a bit and i looked down as my cheeks started to heat up.
“Thought you said you do not dance.” I said, still slightly shocked.

“This isn’t dancing though. Obviously, I’m just hugging you from behind.” He said it so matter of factly as he tightened his grip around my waist. I looked down at his hands around my waist and it caused me to smile. He kissed the crook of my neck and started trailing kisses all the way up to the back of my ear which made me moan slightly.

“It’s kind of late already. You wanna go somewhere else, somewhere less crowded.” He said, inviting me to his home with his friends.

Undoubtedly, I agreed. It was obvious he didn’t want the night to end, and so did I too.
Getting to his home, it was vibes and all too. Music, drinks and few other friends of his were present there having fun. The aura present in his house was comfortable and I felt accepted in their midst. Later on, after a few talks and drinks he invited me over to his room to help him clean up after i spilled my drink on his shirt.

“Let’s stay here, it’s quiet”, the chilly breeze
stuck to our faces as we came to a halt. I held on to his hand, my beautiful beady eyes darting to and fro as we entered a room. He smiled at me as i made her to way to help him unbutton his shirt. “you are beautiful you know” he whispered as he caressed my pitiful face. My heart rate suddenly increased. I didn’t want to come and i she was with a stranger alone with the room to ourselves. He started kissing me gently and slowly making sure his hands cupped my breasts as he continued. I thought “Am I really going to do this, I don’t even know his name”. I was hit by a cool breeze which sent shivers down my spine. A soft smile made its way to my lips as he wrapped his strong hands around me. He started nibbling onto my ear and left a trail of kisses down my neck up to my shoulder. I turned around and took his face in my palms as went on my toes to kiss him. He leaned forward and our lips touched. We started with soft kisses then gradually it grew into rough passionate kisses. If the alcohol I had at the bar wasn’t leaving my head spinning and body feeling completely intoxicated, his lips were doing so.
His lips brushed mine, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings, just long enough that he could inhale my breath, feel the warmth of my skin, and the taste of my lipstick lingered far. He seemed union and closeness and the sharing of one breath, one sensation, one timeless and passionate moment. The heat rose in my cheeks as his tongue touched mine, quick and electric and delicious, then firmer, more determined, more curious about the heat that laid within as he seek to chase down that elusive liquid lightning that reached through the both of us.
He nearly missed, his lips a tad too far left and his nose bumping against mine, yet he persisted. My eyes were closed, but I could hear the crinkling of his smile as he maneuvered into position, tilting his head so that our mouths could meet firmly at last. He was breathing right into my nose each he exhaled, tickling my nostril hairs and making me to giggle, which started him giggling too. As he pulled back sheepishly he nibbled on the tip my nose, then kissed it, and my eyes opened to see his shining bright.

It was a kiss filled with passion, and it made me feel like I had bonded with him already.
Soon, the party ended and his friends vacated the house except for a particular guy who slept on the floor next to the bed where i was.

Later on, we both got close and passionate. Having strings of charming kisses and romance with his friend still in the floor.

“Oh fuck. I want you so bad. You are so hot. I’m so fucking lucky.” He muttered as he continued to caress my body lingering his hands slowly into my vagina.

“Oh God I love you.” He said as he penetrated his dick into my pussy.

I just laid there moaning as I stared at him. He made me feel special, especially after those words he had use.

“Damn you feel amazing. I love you. I love how you feel.”

As he started moving back and forth, stroking my pussy with his dick; he revved up the sexual tension in me. Continuously, he made sexy compliments which I really enjoyed, and suddenly I felt his hands against my ass. In reaction, I shoved him off lightly.

“You don’t like anal?” He said, seeming confused.

“No. Not there. Just continue with the frontal.” I shrugged him off.

“Please. I promise to make it one of the best sexual experiences you’ve ever had.” He pleaded.
After he pestered me continuously and harder, I decided to let him proceed with the anal sex. Moreover, I wasn’t really in control of what I was saying due to the fact that I was a little bit drunk.

Without much hesitation and delay, he penetrated me from the back and I felt a sharp pain in my ass suddenly. I wanted to push him away but I decided against it because i could tell that he was engrossed in his sexual emotions already. Also, I hoped it would be quick and decided to suck up the pain, as I did not want to upset him. Even with all the chilliness that hung around us, our bodies soon became wet with sweat, our moment of lust bending nature's very own laws.
My moans were higher in tone and pitch now, resonating around, announcing to anyone and everything around of our passion. We were ascending together now, getting totally consumed in our desire, a last through bust of passion guiding us back, and in a matter of minutes we were done.
As we laid lazily on the bed, i asked “What’s your name?”, “Shane. You?” he answered.

“I’m Karen.” I replied.
For a moment, no one spoke as we both panted heavily.

“Thank you.” He finally spoke, falling fast asleep.

Strangely, I felt some type of way towards him. I could not tell what the emotion was, and I did not bother. I was not sober. I just sighed as I fell fast asleep too.

I woke up the next morning and was readying myself to leave when I noticed someone yanking my dress lightly. It was Shane’s friend who had slept on the floor.

“Pssst psst.” He whispered lowly, signaling to me to come closer.

“What is it?” I said, giving him a mean inquisitive look.

Much to my surprise, this guy wanted to have sex with me too. I supposed be had heard Shane and I have sex and wanted a taste too.

“The fuck no!” I disagreed blatantly.

Although, I told home to dismiss the idea, he persisted. I even made excuses and said no a couple of times but he was persistent.
At a point, I raised my voice in a bid to wake Shane so he could help me out, but it was futile.
I felt confused as to why he wanted me to have sex with despite the fact that I had sex with his friend the previous night. Defiantly, I turned him down and left in a taxi after.

Weeks passed and I didn’t speak to Shane about the occurrence. But I couldn’t keep it to myself anymore so I decided to tell him. The love we had towards each other continued to grow and we got closer. He would defend me anytime any of his friends referred to me as a ‘bitch’ which was what they all considered me as. In my defense, he told them all to back off, stating clearly that he was in love with me.

Shane was almost what any girl would wish for; smart, attractive, romantic, funny and kind. It was hard to believe at first that I had got so lucky, but as I got to know him, it was hard to see if I had made the right choice. Through all his talent and attraction, he carried a minor sense of control and manipulation about him. It was difficult to see at first— not just because I did not want to see it, but also because he was supposedly good at hiding it. But as time went on through our relationship, I could see the results it was having.

As time went on, Shane and I repented and left behind our and ways searching for greener pastures and a new responsible way of life. Little by little, the both of us realized what we had together was the main phenomenon behind the concept of life and we change for each other for the better. In short, one could say the love we had for each other had positive impacts on our mindsets. Shane, who was previously into stealing, doing drugstore and illegal driving learnt that he was not on the right path. Therefore, he redeemed himself to a fine gentleman because I had never tolerated such unscrupulous behaviors and didn’t want that negative energy around me. I had never did.
I, on the other hand became more emotionally stable. I stopped partying so much which prompted me to stop entertaining other men’s attention. After all, I had found all I needed and wanted in Shane.

Lots and lots of passionate nights were shared between us constantly. We made love to each other, expressed our feelings on a day to day basis, and it felt really amazing. Feeling loved and being worshipped by Shane really made me feel special. He was perfect. It was like he knew me inside out. Without fail, he would succeed in assuring me of his love, expressing it in such a way that made me feel so special. While also declaring the fact that he had never loved anyone like this until now.

There was a particular night invited him over. It was late in the evening and all I could think of was Shane. I yearned for his good loving just as I craved for his attention. We had been messaging each other as usual expressing our love and care. On short notice, he arrived at my home to see me, but I could tell he had also wanted to come.

Playing our favourite music together, whispering romantic words and messages in my ears as we sat on the sofa in the front room cuddling and caressing. The lights were dimmed and it made me feel so relaxed and emotional.

Touching each others hands, he placed one of his hand on my soft cheek as I smiled at him. Then, i ran my fingers through his soft, thick hair as he comes in slowly towards my lips and softly kissed me with passion.
I could feel every hair on my body rising to attention as she continued to touch me gently making feel relaxed just as I felt emotionally connected to his romance. He lowered himself a little and buried himself on my neck and started trailing kisses from my jaw to my neck, sucking and biting on my soft skin. I bit my lips to keep the moans from escaping my mouth— God, I could not take it. He was so good. Then he hovered his lips over my neck and I could feel his breath, then he was face to face and grinned expressing his delight.

“With your body next to mine our hearts will beat together as one.” He said with sincerity.

I was so turned on by those words. He knew how to get to me.

“Awwwn Shane.” I whispered while blushing.

“You idiot, I’m in love with you.” He grinned.

“I know right.” I replied with a big smile as goosebumps appeared on my skin.

He kissed me. Our tongues moved in perfect synch. As his tongue explored my mouth I moaned loudly. I bit his lower lip slightly making him moan. Finally, I pulled away to catch my breath. But Shane continued trailing kisses across my jaw and collar bone. As our kisses deepen, our bodies came closer to each other’s. He chuckled and started nibbling onto the skin at the crook of my neck.

Gently, he laid me down and caressed my small, sensitive cupped breasts.

“I need you Karen,” “I need all of you.” Shane said as his hands played with my hair. He allowed his index finger and thumb stroke through my hair while I stared deeply into his eyes as we both laid together.
“I know Shane,” I replied this time as I gently felt his already hard dick against my body. With his face lighting up, he brought his lips close to mine as he bit and kissed on my lower lip. He continued as he went it at it passionately.
I could hear his heart beat rapidly, he felt different compared to the times we’ve been intimate, I could feel his hunger and desire for an intense sex. He allowed his hands again play with my small sized breasts as he gently pinched my nipples. He smiled as he heard my moans fill the room.

Gradually, he led down slowly with one hand to my small petite bottom, placing one of his fingers slowly into her anal,

"No, not there please". I said.

"Please, I want you.” He pleaded.

"Shane don’t! No I do not like it, i do not even feel horny like that.” I refuted him.

"Baby, please. I love you.” He continue with his plea.

“Of course, I love you too.” I replied as we were still touching and kissing.

"But you like it though.”

“No Shane. Not today.” I shook my head, gesturing to him of my refusal to have anal sex with him.

I had now lost the feeling of emotion from him and was struggling to relax, but I continued.

Still getting closer to penetrate, he inserted his dick inside me with a little bit of force.

Placing my face into the pillow as I was on my front, feeling used and wanting to cry. Unable to express anymore to him, I decided to let him continue. The pain I felt stung me hard but I did my best not to resist. Forcing myself to not cry and pretend I was enjoying it in hope that he would finish fast.

He spanked my ass before allowing his dick inside my tight asshole. I tried to push him back as I felt a quarter of his dick in me. “Shane?” I called out to him but he seemed to be enjoying as he held onto my hand and thrusted his dick deeper. I could tell he was enjoying it as I allowed him continue. I could feel the pain as it radiated through my body. As he continued going in and out of me, the pain increased and in a matter of seconds, I could feel tears run down cheeks. I quickly wiped them off so as to prevent Shane from noticing.
My moans increased and Shane thought they were moans of pleasure as he also increased his intensity. I was surprised since we had not talked about having anal sex and here he was, enjoying the moment. I also felt humiliated and left out as he continued.
He turned me over again with my pussy coming into view as he slid his dick back into my asshole. It felt different this time as he had his thumb playing with clit. “SHANE!, you are so mean,” I said rather shyly. “You actually enjoyed making me cry,” I added.
“Sorry Karen”, he replied as he leaned in to kiss me. My face suddenly carried a blush and this time, I kissed him back. It felt different as his kiss was laced with passion and genuineness.
“I love you Karen,” he said out loud.
Then i forced the words out,
"I love you too" although i did love him, I could not feel the emotion within me inside of love or anything nice towards him at the moment.

I could feel him ascending and in a matter of minutes, he had his dick all covered in warm milky cum as my pussy juice also came splashing on his body. “I see you like that,” he said as he stopped to admire what was in fro