

Chapter 2: Paranoid Much
After my 2 hours worth of sitting, waiting, dyeing and starving, my hair highlights are finally finished. I paid the hairdresser and walked through the door with a big smile on my face. The happiness of leaving my past behind was overwhelming and quite stress relieving. Never have I ever felt so happy to move here, to Los Angeles and start a new life.

I was knocked out of my daydream when someone went crashing into me, both of us ended up falling on the ground.

"Ugh, this is my favourite jeans! Now its ruined!" The voice shouted. I recognized it.

It sounded like Andy Hollers from high school, the mean girl's best friend who shouts or screams when she is frustrated, extra angry or extra extra happy.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to crash onto like that." I said.

I stood up and brushed the dirt off my black pants and turned around to look at the person that I ran into. The face was so familiar but all I needed now was to hear the person's voice once more to confirm it.

"Oh, look who it is. Isn't it the famous Jade Montez.
Life must be treating ya well or am I mistaken?"

Yup it was indeed Andy Hollers. She was never this nice.

"Cut the crap Andy and say what's on your mind." I replied.

"Since you asked for it. I was thinking of how much of a man-stealing whore you are and how much money you'll have to pay me back for my Samsung Galaxy Note 4." She spat with complete and utter venom in her voice.

"I'm a whore? That's pretty weird coming from the high school slut who slept with all the guys on the hockey team. Who knows, you probably slept with all the male teachers. I don't know I'm just saying." I said.

"You better watch your back b*tch or it's gonna be 7th grade prom all over again." She said and walked off while brushing her shoulder against me.


I walked through the doors of the gym. All eyes were on me and it felt as if I had on the worst dress or I was experiencing a bad hair day. Nevertheless I walked over to where the punch bowl was. I pour in some punch in a plastic wine glass of sort and started drinking. The punch tasted weird, like something strong was in it and it left a burning sensation down my throat.

"Hey Jade, why don't you come sit with us?" Andy asked referring to the table with her group of friends.

I didn't get a chance to answer due to her pulling and tugging on my wrist. When we reached the table she pulled out a chair for me and thanked her and sat on it.

Everyone started talking. The clinking of a glass seized all conversations.

"Everyone I'd like to acknowledge someone very special. Our very own Jade Montez..." She paused and everyone around the table clapped.

"... For being a living whore, liar and man-stealer which is why she is the reason why most girls can't keep a boyfriend." She ended.

Tears welled my eyes. As I shot up from my seat, there was a sound of ripping cloth. I looked behind me to see my dress ripped with pieces of my thighs and my pantyhose showing. I ran out of the gym, crying, leaving all the laughter behind me.


I arrived home to see my mother whose face look like she was smiling while she was constipating.

"What's up mother?" I asked.

"Why would you think that something's going on?" She inquired.

"I didn't say something was." I replied.

There was an awkward moment of silence. Right there and then I knew something was up.

"Mom spill it." I said.

"Fine but I think you might wanna check your phone." She said in a sing song voice.

I ran upstairs not because I was eager to see what's on my phone but for the sake of hearing what could possibly be juicy gossip from my mother.

On my phone were text messages that were sent to me three hours earlier.

I opened one. Instead of a singular text there were texts from two different persons who name and numbers were already in my phone. This means that I was apart of their chatroom.

The messages read:

Hi Jade. In case you were wondering I'm you're bestest friend from high school, Selena Smith.
Sent 3 hours earlier

Jeez, Selena, what about me? Are you forgetting that there were three of us and not two.
- Oh I'm Johannah Brown.
Sent 3 hours earlier

We'll be at the coffee shop tomorrow at 7am. If you wanna meet up and chat. Can't talk now. Bye.
Sent 3 hours earlier.

Sent 3 hours earlier.

Johannah and Selena, the only two persons that added the happiness to my dull and sometimes drab high school life. They wanted to move with me but their parents said no. But if that's so ,then what would they be doing in LA?