

The Anniversary (short thriller)
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand.In shock gasping for air I tumble down on the floor clenching to anything to keep me still. My eyes blinked, and the tears poured from the corners of my eyes fear has weighed down. An ocean of sorrow. I turned my head to the right my love Charles layed cold and limp in the pool of blood.

Early that morning April 22, 1923 the date of our anniversary. I got up promptly at 6 am to bake a cake. He nudged my shoulder before we got out of bed. He kissed my ear and whispered"Happy Anniversary". He got up from bed and and pulled out a nice new white apron with blue and white stripes. "For you Mrs. Annie Johnson. I giggled with exasperation. I swung my arms around Charles. "Its so beautiful Darling!" "I'm glad you love it", Charles said.

I put on my new exquisite apron. Put on my red lipstick. Got out the pans and started to make eggs and bacon. Suddenly I felt a chill in the air. Charles darling sat down reading the news paper . Headlines in bold "Another Death or is this murder? I gulped and started washing dishes from last night. "Darling sweetie, did they catch the killer? "Not yet, Charles answered. Charles was a detective in the police station all that there was to say was a predator had swoon all the lovely young women and took photographs leaving chilling riddles and notes near their bodies found in creeks. Every body found has been affixiated and left with a fishing hook attached to the left scapula. "He's fishing again," Charles said. I sat next to him by the table and took his hand. "Promise me you'll be safe Charles," i said with concern. Charles put down the newspaper. "One way or another we will catch this fish, this is a small town and they run out of places to go."

I looked into his Hazel brown eyes and kissed Charles good bye. "See you tonight, be safe darling."

Tonight will be magical, I thought to myself. But little did I know everything would change spiratically.

Around 5:30 pm. I procrastinated by cleaning the house, dusting the curtains and washing laundrey. I went back to the kitchen and pulled out Chocolate cake. I set the table in light blue plates and two wine glasses. I put two candles in the center. It is missing something. Where does Charles keep the matches and red wine ? He should be home any minute now I will make a run to the cellar he usually goes down there but he isn't here. I slowely walk down to the cellar there is a dim slice of the sunsetting. As I reach the bottom I lit the candle with a match. I turned my head and scream.

I slowely walk to the brown desk. there were photographs of the womens dead bodies and next to it was a camera. I looked above and there were fishing hooks. I saw a burgundy journal lying on the side of the desk, he had written down the womens names , adresses , professions and where he first saw them. On the side of the desk there was a bloody piece of rope. I hurry up the stairs no time to waste. I shut the cellar door and walked down the hallway. I saw Charles sitting at the table eating cake a devious smile had taken over. "You know who I am Annie ? he said with mouthful of chocolate cake. "You caught me, I am the fisherman , He laughed. "You ...you killed all those woman ? " Why? I sobbed. "Because there's nothing more fun then the hunt," Charles smirked. He dipped chocolate frosting on his finger and put it in his mouth and smiled. I shaked violently and started running to the door.

He bolted after me. He came up behind me and both his arms. He started to drag me backwards. Into the kitchen. "Im pregnant ," I screamed and sobbed. "Why did you have to go down there Annie ?! Now you both have to die", He yelled in anger. I bit his arm as hard as I could , he let go I reached for the knife covered in chocolate frosting and plunged it into his neck. Blood gushed from his neck he fell to the ground and layed in the pool of blood. In shock and grief I looked and the bloody knife and passed out.

I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand.In shock gasping for air I tumble down on the floor clenching to anything to keep me still. As soon as I regained strength I called the police station and told them I found their notorious serial killer. The fisherman .