

♡ AHAVA ♡ ( LOVE )
The ancient Hebrew word "AHAVA" that is often translated as "Love" in the Bible. Which has a meaning that has been lost in translation. Sadly, this amazing Hebrew word is hidden behind the nonchalant English term that everyone uses for everything “Love”.

“Love.” The English term has many meanings. In today’s culture “Love” is an emotion that can be turned on and off like a light switch.

“Love” or "AHAVA" in the Hebraic culture is very different than today's culture. In Hebrew, Love/AHAVA is connected directly with (Giving, Action, and Obedience.) Hebraically AHAVA is a verb and a noun, it is an act of doing or giving. AHAVA is NOT just a feeling. To get a clear understanding of AHAVA, let's examine the Hebrew word itself and learn how to love Hebraically.

First, most Hebrew words can be broken down to a three-consonant root words that contains the essence of the word's meaning. The root word of ahava is "ahav." The term ahav in Hebrew means, "to give."

True AHAVA, true LOVE, is more concerned about giving than receiving. Being the center of someone's attention isn't Love/AHAVA in the Hebraic sense. Love isn't about getting some feeling or fix. AHAVA is about giving devotion and time. Giving is the vehicle of Love/AHAVA.

Love in todays culture may focus on receiving, but AHAVA is all about giving. There is a difference but there shouldn’t be. Consider that the Hebrew word "AHAVA" is not an emotion but an action. It is not something that happens "to you" but a condition that you create when you give.

YHWH/God so loved the world that He GAVE His Only SON/YESHUA/JESUS. (John 3:16)

As you can see meaningful relationships have mutual GIVING. Even as Yah created a circumstance to reveal to Abraham that he will sacrifice his son to show his AHAVA in the Old Testament. Eventually, He made this sacrifice to the children of Abraham by sending His Inly SON. Because it was LITERALLY the only way mankind could be saved. Which YESHUA being brought up from a Judaic culture which was under control of The Roman Empire who along with the Jews crucified HIM when all He ever taught AHAVA. “Love your neighbor as yourself and Love God/YHWH/The Ultimate Energy/ The creator/ The giver of Energy & Spirits/Souls. Which made it easier for those who believed to make to heaven for those who really LOVE Yah and those who are “beings of AHAVA.”

You don't "fall" in love - You “give” AHAVA!

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