

The Wendigo's Curse (Part 1)
The blaring noise of my alarm abruptly emerges, causing me to groan and scrunch up my face. Flopping the palm of my hand over the source of such an aggravating noise... but I suppose it is one of the only things to wake up heavy sleepers. Me being one of those 'fortunate' enough to get phenomenal sleep. After clicking my alarm off, my hand stays planted over it - with myself taking a deep breath. Slowly but surely waking up, my gaze directed up towards my ceiling, I just remain on my back a moment longer. Using mighty momentum of my legs, I roll out of bed and head towards the kitchen.

Once at its doorstep, I part the curtains that reveal a basic but brimming room of food. Panning across, I take note of the bowl of various fruit on the table near a window on the right. The lower cupboard conceiling a number of instant ramen. And finally - looking over at the fridge, was chocolate cereal and a loaf of bread.

Without much thought, I just kind of went 'screw it' and snatched the loaf of bread, peanut butter, and a banana. Later coming over to the cutting board after obtaining the butter knife, spreading out four sliced of bread. Soon after applying lobs of peanut butter on every other slice.
After peeling the banana's skin back, I slice relatively thin strips of the crescent fruit.

Applying about six slices on the vacent slices, before slapping two pairs of bread slices together - PRESTO! PB and banana sandwiches!
Soon after, I place them on two small, separate plates. Only to realize... Milk! I forgot the milk!

Laying the plates down, I head back to the kitchen and swipe the curtain away, just feet from the refrigerator. After popping open its door, I snatch a milk jug and put it onto the kitchen table. Also snatching two glasses not long after, later placing them beside the jug.

Soon after pouring the glasses of milk, I stash the milk back into the fridge and take the cups out into the living room. Only to get immediately startled by a figure with a horrendous face out of the corner of my eye. Gasping sharply, I look over whilst leaping back. My grip around the glasses only tightening. Across from me, stood the figure... wearing one of those cheap skeleton masks. So cheap - that it's practically smaller than her head.

"Lizie!" I exhaled, glaring back with squinted eyes. Which was followed up by them squating slightly, obviously busting out in laughter. Later slipping off the crappy mask, revealing so.
Smiling along soon enough, with a sigh, "You got me, sis." I admitted. "But if I were to spill or drop these, you were going to help me clean up."
After my brotherly lecture, Lizie calmed her laughter. "Yeah yeah... I know, Thomas." She retorted.

However with quick wit, I jokingly replied, in a goofy voice, "But do you?"
Making her chuckle further. Putting that event behind ourselves, I place the glasses by our plates and sit beside each other. Turning on the T.V., we scroll through various shows and movies... adding a handful of horror movies in the spirit of this month to 'watch later'.

After the two of us had gotten dressed, we went to the college campus. Myself being more into culinary subjects. Where my sister, Elizabeth - or Lizie, was the more artistically inclined, with classes to help those skills even further . After what was our last day, we were exceedingly ecstatic! In celebration, we planned on going to my grandfather's old lodge.

Later, after arriving home and binge watching our selected shows and movies, I dialed up mom and dad. Asking if they were interesred in coming to grandpa's lodge... only to have been notified of understandable troubles. Telling us that they would have to work some extra hours. But was given the suggestion that we could call up some our close pals and head up there. Seeing as they're no strangers to the place, like us, we did just that. Dial up some especially close friends, asking if they were interested in heading up to my grandpa's old lodge. With a good number of them accepting, we soon packed up extra clothes, personal supplies, and some games of our own.

Early the next morning, Lizie and I went into our own vehicles and drove off. After a two and a half hour bore of a drive, we were the first up there. This place was always one of my favorites, just the setting... just all so calm, excluding the various bird calls.
Moments after situating ourselves inside the lodge, Lizie and I just sat out on the porch.

Listening to noise that wasn't cars, constant chattering of peers, dogs in random fits of barking. Just birds and the sound of wind flowing through the rustling leafs of trees that surround the property. Not too long after, we hear approaching vehicles... our friends! Heaving ourselves off the porch bench, we walked out to greet them.

After doing so, we all made speedy situations among ourselves. Slumping onto the furniture inside, before a crackling fireplace. For many hours afterwards, all of us told some awesome school stories throughout the years, some we've witness or heard while others were new. Just having a blast! I even told them of the prank Lizie pulled on me, stating, "As far as I'm concerned, I'd say that was one of here better scares." Followed by hearty laughter.

Hearty enough that a number of us, including Lizie, had wheezing laughes. In her case, it was normal I guess. After another hour or so, when we regained our compusure from laughing hysterically, I got up off the furniture. Having sudden curiosity if Grandpa's armory was still here. Convincing Lizie and some others to come along down the hall.

Where, on the far end of the corridor, was a shut door. For a moment I stared off into space until recalling a memory. That door was locked, and that there was a key Grandpa had stashed somewhere upstairs. But to make sure, after turning back around, I checked the door to make sure.

Locked. Just as it should've been.

"Stay put here, you guys. Lizie and I will find the key." I sayed, motioning sis to come along. Now heading upstairs, we found ourselves brainstorming where Grandpa's room was again. On the left? No... Maybe right. Glaring in that direction, I point over. Both of us headed there and peeked into the room. Aha!
Distinguishing Grandpa's room, we get in and face challenge number two.

Remembering where the armory key was hid. In probably in a quarter of an hour, Lizie finds the key at the bottem of a dresser drawer. Heading back down, we apologized for the hold up. But they seemed not to have minded. Lizie went on to onlock the armory door, soon revealing that Grandpa's collection of hunting rifles were still in place, just dusty. Panning around, inspecting each rifle to see if the locks on them were still on them also.

Which they were...

Satisfied, and relieved, we headed back out towards the rest of the group. Finding that they had already inserted a movie into the DVD player... which sounded familiar. Definitely a Western! After emerging from the corridor, my suspicions were proven correct... even featuring Clint Eastwood! Almost immediately, A few friends and myself rush back out and sit back onto the furniture.

With Lizie snorting in response, "Boys..." she whispered, grinning. But alas, she sat down beside us again and ventured forth to binge watch about six movies afterwards. Having breaks in between, also cooking up some dinner for each other. After one last film, we all agreed to hit the hay, going to our chosen rooms.
Seeing as how each room having two beds, Lizie and I stayed with our usual. Sticking together. After a few more sibling roasts whilst laying in our beds, we later drifted off to sleep. Listening only to the faint music of the crickets beyond the lodge. Everything was comfortably quiet, excluding the cricket's song.

Late into the night however, a bang that rattled the entire lodge rang out! Waking Lizie and I, and presumably everybody else, wide awake. Instinctively, we first peer out the bedroom window to see if we could spot anything. Until the two of us emerged from our room, as did our friends from theirs.
I look over to John, and John back to me.
"The hell was that? You heard that to, right?" He said, shook.
Wide-eyed, my sis and myself nodded, before peering over towards the armory door. "Lizie, go unlock the armory and the rifles while we look around!" I hastily whispered. Soon afterwards, John and I tiptoe our way out onto the living room. Snatching pokers from the fire place for the time being.

We slowly peeked out the nearest window, leading out into the surrounding forest. Nothing. No sound could be heard save for the the hushed whistling of the wind. After a long moment, we moved on to the next window, which peered out onto the front porch and driveway. Once arriving to it, we noticed nothing here also...
Until we noticed a horribly disfigured Moose. Both its eyes missing, oozing blood. The lower jaw, missing... its exceedingly long tongue drooped down. John and I look away, though after noticing that the Moose also lacked legs, and gag. Its mutilated frame nailed into memory, only made my stomach wrench further more.

"H- holy sh*t... I'm gonna puke. I'm gonna puke!" John stammered, dropping the poker and stumbling his way to the nearest toilet.
I dared not to peer back again, my hand still over my mouth. I walked towards the corridor leading to the armory. Running into Lizie and the others, she notices my mannerisms.
Knowing that I'm not someone easily made to have a knotted stomach... she knew it was bad.
Still holding a pair of hunting rifles, she asks where John was. Replying that he was probably vomiting his guts out, also warning them to try and avoid looking out the window overlooking the front porch and driveway.

Sometime after the explanation, John sluggishly arrived by the corridor. With drooping eyes, he leaned against a wall, then exhaling.
I face Lizie again and grab a rifle and checked for the presence of ammunition, in which there was. Peering back at the others, who were also locked and loaded, I wave them to follow. Leading them through the back exit, we all crept out one by one.

Though still dark, the glow from the moon and even the distant stars provided just enough light. Enough to make out details of substance anyway. Keeping ourselves relatively glued close to the wall, we cautiously crept ever closer to opposite ends of the lodge. I peek out from behind my end, peering out towards the driveway. At that exact moment however, I believe I found the missing legs.

They were on some of the hoods of our vehicles! I glance away in disgust, but still creep out passed the horrid display. Heading out onto the gravel driveway, I held up the barrel of my rifle. Slowly pan out into the trees and the road. No animal heard... just the wind.

Slowly back peddling, I lower the rifle and head back towards the others. Where I was soon followed back inside, and out into the living room. Where the whole lot of us regrouped and attempt to recuperate.

Overhearing an appropriate complaint from John, saying, "What sick b*stard would do this? Let's call the cops."
The cops! I rush towards my bedroom and whip out my phone from my bag, and dialing them up. In a short while, the operator answers. Going through the whole standard procedure, as I walk back out where the rest of the group was. Describing as best I could of what we knew happened and where our location was.

Twenty minutes, roughly. Twenty minutes was the estimated arrival time of a dispatch. After the operator, I called up Lizie and I's parents. Shakily notifying them of the happenings at Grandpa's lodge. Definitely being woken wide awake from such news, they promised they would come by.

After all this, slipping my phone into my pocket, I sit beside Lizie on the furniture. Immediately having her arms wrap around me and buried her face. I wrap one around her and hug tightly, later rubbing her back. It felt like forever before those lights emerged into sight, the sound of crunching gravel nearing. The chirping already had returned since then.
John was the first to arrive at the second window peering out towards the gravel driveway. Followed by myself, and saw a growing expression of concern on her, the officer's, face.

The two of us directed around the house, to relieve them from the carcass as well. I remove myself from the room and head towards the back exit. Where the officer and I met up, and invited them in. Now back in the living room, we all provide our testimonies from the beginning of the event.

After which, the officer leaned into her walkie and announced the summerized report and the need of a cleaning crew. Upon confirmation, the officer took another gander of our mannerisms, and shared such.

"Want something to drink, Miss.?" I asked, already heading towards the kitchen. Accepting the offer, I open up the refrigerator and pull out some soda. After pouring each one of us a cup, I lay them across the table.

We all silently sipped from our cups, though occasionally striking up short lived topical conversations. Until another few sets of wheels cruching the gravel slowly came to our ears, we all sat up and walked out the back. Welcomed with another cop car and ambulance driving up, they all grimaced the same. Looking upon the worsening corpse of the Moose.
Another twenty minutes later, John, Chris, myself, and the medical staff heave the corpse and its limbs away.

Not long after, Lizie and I's parents arrive. Later finding that some of the vehicles belonging to some of us had blood smeared all over the hoods. The front porch also. They too, asked us the familiar questions, where all of us recited. Now back inside, just before the sun had risen again, we all dropped asleep.

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