

My Story
"It's a girl! "
The doctor gushed, placing the wailing infant on the woman's chest.
She heaved trying to catch her breath in the aftermath of her gruelling labour. Tears of pain mingled briefly with tears of joy before dissolving into tears of sadness.
She had once again given birth to a girl! Her third daughter. What would her husband and in-laws do to her now?...

It all started when we first met. So charming he was, good looking and rich. He took the step and I said yes till death do us apart.
My husband comes from a rich family with good reputation they have built for themselves. I was happy to be in this wonderful family of Lancaster, but never knew my days in family will be full of tears.
To get me wrong, my husband loved me, his sister cheerish me and his mother loved me too, but all love and care reduced after I gave birth to my first child Debbie. Debbie was so sweet, my husband Henry loved her so much eventhough he wasn't expecting what I gave him but he was happy regardless. But it was not the same for my mother-in-law, she loved Debbie but kept on saying she wants Henry Jr as second born.

Debbie grew up so fast, she was so beautiful that trees dance when she pass by. Henry took care of her, he loved her while I was carrying our new baby in my womb. My mother- in- law was busy hammering and demanding for a boy everytime, she feels that female can't take up the family business. Well, I felt the same way but thought that I don't make babies, God does. So I can only pray I get a boy and can't control the gender I give birth too.

The voice of my new baby put a smile on everyone face before they knew it was girl I gave birth to and her named her Lucy because I had to be strong in the labour room before I could bring her to this world.
Lucy grew up well, she had that wonderful and sweet smile with a touch of braveness since the day she was born.
Her birth gave me happiness and and tears, because everywhere became hot and clumsy.
My mother-in-law started what I always prayed everyday to never happen.
She made me cry everytime, the Lancaster House became a living hell for me. But never did I know I was blessed with Good girls, especially Lucy. She was my angel and saviour.

To make it short, Henry was intending to give Lucy and Debbie part of his property but my mother-in-law never liked that idea and she planned to stop Henry from making such decision. She went further to arrange another marriage for Henry who at first refused but later gave in. Before my eyes, Henry married Jane, I could not take it but I endured like my mother is to say "Your husband house is not just a house, it is an house full of patience", this was the advice I followed till date. It was painful but I endured.

Jane was never loved Henry, but loved his money.
She was already pregnant when she slept with Henry but no one knew. She gave birth to a spoilt brat who my mother in law spoilt so much that he had immunity in the house.
Henry, loved him but loved Debbie and Lucy more because Lucy was so brilliant that she was already helping her father in his business at a young age. Debbie was the gentle type, always free with everyone and also intelligent with vast knowledge in music.
While daughters made me proud, Henry Jr was hospitalised and needed blood urgently.
This time was when I gained back my happiness, because Henry Jr died after blood transfusion was not done because Henry was never the father of Henry Jr. This news hurt Henry alot, his love shifted to my daughters very fast and he did everything for them.
My mother in law apologize for her bad behaviour towards me and she tried her best to love Debbie and Lucy.

Debbie became a very talented Music Director and Lucy took up the Family business.

My quote "Every child is important in ones life, either male or female. Cheerish the one you have and never dislike him or her, for God gave what is best for you at the time he feels you need it."