

The Case of the Missing Flags- Peter Heffely
Hello folks! I am Peter Heffely again! Hey, there was a case of missing flags. Sounds funny. But it isn't funny. All the flags of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA have vanished throughout the country. So folks, let's start with the story.

17 November 2019

Today morning I woke up and found out that my parents let me take a leave from school just because I slept late last night! Instead of 9 PM, I slept at 9:45 PM and they let me take a holiday from school! What kind of thinking is that?! Well, so I woke up and went downstairs to watch TV. Suddenly I broke on a news channel with headlines- "American Flags missing!".

What! Seriously! Not possible! Really?! How?! When?! Why?! Oh, my old nemesis!

These words started to roam in my brain.

Then the journalists said " Every single American flag of the United States got missing. Even ones that are too small and are used at homes. Even the flag from the parliament is missing." Like, even the parliament?! For 2 minutes my mouth was opened in astonishment.

In the evening, I and my friends made a detective agency named - S. D. A. - secret Detective Agency. Our agency would find the American flags which are vanished.

18 November 2019

Today at 4:00 AM, I and my friends woke up early morning, took our bicycles, and went to find the flag. Here is a secret info to tell you - I and my friends made a small aircraft named 'Domern'. It doesn't have a meaning. We named it just like that. That aircraft can load 13 people in it. Anyways, the bigger surprise is that the aircraft flies! But makes a lot of noise which is 3 times louder than those of jet plane. Anyways, I and my friends took our bicycles and boarded our aircraft. We started the aircraft and flew to different places. We had big headphones on our heads because of the sound generated by the aircraft. We saw some clues of newly painted flags that were not dried and were missing. The paint of the flags was seen on the road from the sky. But not from the ground. So nobody noticed. So, then we followed the paint by our Domern and reached an unknown building on the outskirts of Dallas. So we suddenly landed our Domern and went into that building where the paint was going. When we entered that building, the doors closed automatically and suddenly we had a 1000 floors drop (practically 3 floors drop)! We landed in a tunnel with water flowing like a stream. It was so darkly that we had to open our torches and then we saw a map scribbled on the tunnel wall. It showed the way to the main room of the building. We took the picture of the map and with its reference, we went further in the tunnel. Suddenly we reached a very bright room and a dozen people sitting in a meeting. The meeting presentation said that all our stolen flags are hidden just under the city of Houston and we are going to paint another flag on them and sell to other countries. We all were so angry that my friend Genny screamed - " You worthless and worst people on earth! I will report the government about you.". Then what, those people kidnapped us. And l they threatened us that if we tried to escape, they will kill us. That was too much. Genny was so angry that he screamed so loud that then burst as volcanic eruption occurred and We were able to see the surface and our aircraft. Luckily with Genny's scream, the rope which tied our hands and legs broke. And we succeeded to escape the tunnel and the building. We wore our headphones, took off to Houston to find the flags. When we reached soon the city, suddenly our aircraft got an engine failure. Our aircraft started to fall down. Our headphones flew away because of the downfall. And a very loud sound was heard by all of us as we didn't wear or headphones and the aircraft made the thrice louder sound than it normally does as it was crashing. Our aircraft suddenly crashed into the land but luckily we didn't die. Thanks to our Aircraft that it was so hard. Instead, we went to ann underground compartment where all the flags and 2 people! We were surprised that we crashed but reached the right destination. But instead of capturing us, the 2 people there ran away as they thought we brought the Police. Anyways, they ran out of the compartment and reached the surface of the earth by some stairs and a door. So we went out by the same stairs and the same door. We suddenly went to the local police, informed them about the flags which were hidden and luckily the police believed us as they were so sad when the flags got lost and they would believe anyone even if that person lied. But of course, we told the truth. Okay, so the police took us to that underground compartment and when we opened the door of it and went inside with police, the flags were all gone! "You bad kids. Why do you lie about the flags?! " Screamed angrily the police inspector. We went to Dallas by a free lift and went to our houses when it was around 6:30 pm. Plus, we got scolded by our parents that where have we been. We all have to make some reason except me. I told the truth. So I got less scolding as they thought that I at least tried to find the missing flags of the country.

20 November 2019

The whole United States was in depression about the flags. President Donald Trump asked other countries like Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, and Costa Rica to help U. S. to find the flags. All these five countries helped simultaneously but no one could find anything. But suddenly, the United Kingdom found a selling activity of flags which were colored in Scottish Flags and were being sold in Scotland. United Kingdom's military caught the thieves and returned the flags and the United States colored it again to U.S.A flags. Finally, the case was resolved. Not by our agency, but at least by someone. I and my friends I had a party today although we didn't find the flags.


Thanks for reading

~ Akhil Sharma