

The Day My Heart Broke Forever.
This is a true story, no lies no embellishments. This is a story of my last day with my daughter. I write this with a waterfall of tears.

I woke up and I stepped outside to have a cigarette. My little dog CoCo Bean and my lovely daughter Emillie came out to say goodmorning to me. Which was very typical. The sun was bright and vibrant on this summer day. We exchanged I love yous as we did everyday.

Emillie said, Hey dad can you take me up to Braums to fill out an application? Kacey said that they were needing help and she could get me a job up there. I said sure no problem honey. Then she said while we were on that side of town could we stop by the school so I could change my schedule before school starts back up from summer vacation? I said sure just call the school and let me know what time we need to be there. She said okay.

I went back inside and started watching t.v. a couple of hours went by and I dozed off. Emillie woke me up and she asked if her boyfriend and her other friend could come over and I said yes.

About 15 minutes went by and then Emillie came back to my room and said they all were going to go walk around the neighborhood for awhile and I said okay. She daid goodbye I love you dad and I said have fun and I love you too.

Before I continue this story I would like to share with you a small but important value I taught my daughter I even published a quote called lovely words. Whenever we part ways no matter if we were upset with each other or not we always said I love you no matter what.

Emillie and her friends went outside. About 10 minutes had past and the dogs started barking like crazy and her friend came running down the hall yelling Emillie just fell and wasn't breathing. As I rushed outside I yelled at my father to call 911. I rushed out the door and she was just laying in the driveway motionless her friends were panicked and upset. I immediately started to administer CPR. I learned CPR from the redcross and at basic training in the army.
I had her back once but she immediately started convulsing for a few seconds and then she was gone again.

My father was doing all he could trying to get 911 to send help. The fire department that was less than a mile away wasn't there yet and no ambulance no sirens in the distant could be heard. I was doing all I could do.

Administering CPR is very exhausting in itself but in this case even more so. It was 20 plus minutes before help arrived, the ambulance actually beat the fire department there. I dont know why but the 911 dispatch sent the ambulance from a different town. I knew she was gone by the time they got there. I was so exhausted that I couldn't even stand up.

They seemed like they didnt care instead of taking over right where she was at they wasted what valuble time was left by putting her on a bed and putting her in an ambulence.

After 10 or 15 minutes one of the firemen emerged and said they got her heart beating and bloodpressure back up but she wasn't breathing on her own.

Then for some reason instead of taking her to the hospital right here just 2 miles away they took her to one that was 10 miles away.

I knew she was gone but I still hoped that she wasn't, once I arrived at the hospital I found the emergency room
and I asked where she was I could see it in the nurses face that she was gone. That was the moment I broke..

As sad and as tragic as my story is. The last words that we spoke to each other was I love you. So if you take nothing else from my story please remember my quote Lovely Words.
© A. Thomas