

The upcoming deadly era! 2
So, here's the 2nd part of "The upcoming deadly era". Read the lines and share your feedback.Hope you'll like it..
Now talking about the harsh reality of present...

The present situation is neither similar nor same in comparison to early era's.

Today, we humans r treating animals just like they r our puppets.

"Like we make the puppet to dance in our way, the same we do with animals."

"Like we adorn the puppets in a funny way, the same we do with animals."

"Like we criss cross the legs/hands of the puppets for our entertainment, the same we do with animals."

We humans have snatched the freedom of animals for our pleasure, we have separated a child from mother for making our pet, we have shown brutality upon them to soothe down our anger and what else not....

We humans have put axe in our own foot.

It's time now, we should understand otherwise the same will happen with us.
Now, Imagining about the future

Most probably you have heard about Area 51. It is said that research on aliens r going over there. Half of us believe and half not.

Anyway, let's predict that aliens are in reality and they'll arrive on earth.
For sure, they will have advanced technology than humans. They will be using AI for every use.So, overall they'll be more advanced and powerful than humans.

And it's the bitter truth that always the powerful suppresses the debiliated .

So, aliens will rule over humans just like we rule over animals.

Humans will also be caged in the zoo. Aliens will come and we'll entertain them.

Humans will be sold in the pet shop.
Aliens will buy us and treat us like animals.

The body parts of humans will be sold in the market and aliens will buy them as food.

We humans will roam here and there like a stray animal and will be killed by any of the vehicles of aliens.

Today, humans say
"Don't behave like animals"
Tomorrow, Aliens will say
"Don't behave like humans"

Now it's upto us. Whether we want to live such a life or not.

Hope that whosoever has read my lines have also understand the meaning behind it.

Here I put an end to my voice

Thanks for reading~~

© A.t