

The Universal Key
The parcel that had arrived today, contained an old key and a list of instructions to use it.
The key was vintage looking. It looked as if it were from the 1800s. The weight and length was similar to holding a tool wrench.
I checked the parcel for the correct address, it read my address. Many thoughts were running through my mind. I didn't know whether I should keep it, or throw it out. The key was awesome looking. I was definitely going to keep that. Heck! It's not every day that a vintage looking key shows up on your doorstep. This situation went from curiosity, to being very intrigued.
I took the instructions along with the key and went to the kitchen table.
The instructions were written on a rare type of cloth. The letters were faded and smeared as if they've been wet many times. It looks like whoever wrote the instructions was in some kind of rush to write it cuz the words were not symmetrical.
I took a deep breath and read it. It read: " Whoever this key finds, finds the chosen one, who can, and will, enter into the house of mirrors. I didn't know what to make of it. A house of mirrors? Is this some sort of a joke. Did one of my friends come up with this prank. I took another breath and continue to read. It read: " follow the energy road the path that no one knows. The way you'll know you're in the right location, your key will glow. Then you'll know that the key of the universe belongs to you. At that moment your heart and mind will know what to do."
I was in amazement. after a long day of work you really don't want to get too involved into shenanigans, which I'm sure this was, or at least I thought. I couldn't help it. I was intrigued further. I was looking all around the instructions as I was studying the artwork in the background. I noticed that it was some sort of coordinates. I typed those numbers into the search engine of my computer. it pulled up a location not too far from where I lived. I started to get goosebumps. I thought to myself, " this can't be". Is this real". I jumped in the shower threw on some clothes and headed out to that location.
When I arrived there was a glowing light shining in the distance.
I began to walk toward the light. as I got closer I felt a burning sensation in my pocket. the key was glowing.
not only was it going but it was radiating a strong heat that was burning through my pants pocket. The key fell to the floor. It was still glowing after burning a hole in my pocket. I was hesitant to try to touch it. I kicked sand on it. It continued to glow and radiate through the sand. I mustered up some courage and bent down to reach for it. As I grasped it, I felt no pain. As a matter of fact! I felt like I've been recharged. As if I reversed all the aging affects that took a toll on my body. The back pain that I endured when I was younger, just disappeared. The blurred vision that caused me to have prescription glasses, finally became clear. My cognitive thinking was outstanding. I was thinking of all remarkable things in life. It was as if it turned me into another person. A person full of life and energy. like if I was youthful again. As I kept making my way toward the light, my hand started to grip tighter and tighter without my will. It was starting to trouble me. My hand was squeezing so tight, it felt like my hand was going to burst. As I looked down, I saw the key taken formation of my body, and now had become part of my hand. I was astonished at this breathtaking phenomenon. Shortly after, my whole body started to Glow. I felt weightless. There was no stopping now. I was almost to the light. As I came in view of what was illuminating, it seemed to be a portal of some sort. There was only one thing that crossed my mind. What if I don't come back when going through it. I took a deep breath and plunged into it. As soon as I jumped into it, I instantly ended up in another reality.

Stay tuned for part two of..... " The Universal Key"