

War of Light and Dark!
During the early days of the Elven empire, the war between the Light and Dark fairies would soon catch the ear of Empress Karina. The light fairies would seek aid among their Elven allies to end the war.Karina answered this plea and along with Brynjar and Asta, would aid the forces of light.The war would seep out of the Pure Light Realm and into the Sky High Fields of Ter'rah.

A darkness would cover the battlefield, as the dark fairies descended from the realm and began their assault on the Elven army. Sword and pike found their mark on opposites sides of the conflict.The mer were at first overwhelmed by the savage battle tactics of their enemy, but we're confident in their numbers and knowledge of magic.

Sounds of Elven males and females screaming as they were torn apart by the savage folk echoed throughout the plane. An elven archer unit was wiped out by the twisted creature's impaling them with their pikes, killing them in the process.Karina's forces held one final assault, before resorting to their mystical arts to even the score, several dark fairies attacked from the sky, but we're engulfed by the flames of the elven battlemages. An elven female soldier imprisoned four dark faries in statues of pure ice, until they shattered.

The battle would soon turn in the empire's favor as Brynjar, Alva, and the empress descended to the battlefield to lead the final charge against the dark forces. Brynjar summoned all the moisture within the area to create a mighty serpent of pure water and commanded it to ensnare all among the sky and ground in its inescapable belly, drowning all caught in it's maw. Asta moved swiftly throughout the battlefield, decapitating several of the savage folk with her enchanted blades.

Karina summoned her staff and called forth twisters from the dark clouds to ravage the entire battlefield.The Elven king and queen summoned a massive barrier to protect their forces, as all but one remained and returned from were it came.

Karina and her soldiers were praised by the Pure folk for her aid, but was informed that the war was not over! For all but one survived the battle, the king of the dark savages of the Pure Light Realm! He would return one day To bring darkness to the lands of Ter'rah.

Tales of Prominence!
Forest of Fate!

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