

Person's face covered with mask, walks near the basin with a blood-stained knife. Eyes were dark and of course the killer had a satisfied smirk even if it is covered. He cleaned the knife in the running water and walked back toward a table where a dead body is placed. The room's atmosphere is so not cool! Yellow dim light! Old walls. Refrigerators. Killing weapons everywhere. Rotten smell!

Even the killer's dress was stained with blood. A boy's body was placed on the table, the killer slowly took the knife from his neck to his stomach and then toward his penis! Slowly going down, killer stabbed the knife on the boy's leg. Cutting it into Pieaces, killer chopped soon all his nake body parts in pieces. It was blood everywhere.

Peeling the skin off the body. Literally abusing the dead human!

Satisfied! Killer walks toward the sink again and washes off the blood. Killer even cleans those all weapons which  used to kill this young boy.


An old man with the age of 60's walks toward his car because he got a notification from a unknown saying check your car. What the real fuck? The old man was already tensed about his grandson. His grandson went to party yesterday night and he is nowhere to be seen. What if something happened to his grandson? This old man is going to become an orphan. Since they only have each other.

Old man walks near his not so expensive car and checks it. Front, nothing. Back seat nothing! Car tailgate, oh even without opening it's smelling so bad. This old man have a habit of keeping things clean, then? Why this rotten smell? His opens the tailgate and of course he is vomitting. This is so disgusting. Killer had a eye on his grandson! Tears falling down his old face. Literally, the killer is a physcotic! Killer covered the body in transparent white plastic cover so that everyone can see how nicely the killer killed the young boy. Oh there's note.

Regular note~

Your killer!

With blood smeared on it.

Old man is crying on his grandson's chopped  body. No care even the blood will dab on his shirt. No care about how badly his grandson is smelling.

Colony people are gathering slowly. It's common. Go and stand near the dead body and walk into their homes like scared cat. This might be the 19th death. What the hell are police doing?


Old man, who lost his grandson, walks into the police-station with a heavy heart. Angry. Tired. Sad. Broken. Wounded.

He kicks the office door and walks inside. The officer is confused. Well, the officer looks so much tensed too. And the officer is 'Head of the department.' He is police.

"What the hell is police doing?" Old man shouts with his cries in between. Officer knows this old man since they get all details of the family who lost their member because of that physco-killer.

"Listen sir. We will catch the killer soon. Don't worry. Please sit down." And the old man sits on the chair. He is old, can't walk much or shout too much. Police officer gives him some water to drink and he gulps it down.

"Please punish the killer."

"Where is the body?" Officer asks.

"In my house." Palming his head, it might be paining because of the rotten smell he inhaled a while ago.

Police arrives at the house and oh hell! Police too want to puke. It's that bad. Why the hell is killer killing these innocent people? And the killed people don't even have any connection with each other. All are from different places, different genders and different ages.

Two years ago it all started. The first murder! It was a small nine-year girl. That physco killed that innocent girl so wildly! Like Seriously, taking out the eye balls. Chopping the hands and legs. So wildly!

For six months, the deaths were stopped but again they started four months back and already lost ten lives in four months. One thing is sometimes common.

'Killer taking out all the important organs from the body' or else
'Chopping all the body parts without taking organs.'

What the hell the killer wants? Organs? Or the killer is just a physco?

Polices take the body toward the police station, oh well! It's not body. It's chopped parts. What are they going to do with this body parts? No hints! Can't even check finger prints since the killer dipped all the parts in acid. So much wild.

Police will just take pictures and will take a complaint from old man. But they'll never catch the body.

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