

A beast or a human (chapter 4)
When Aurora saw him collapsing, she realised that she had hit him with much more strength than that a human can survive. She threw the tree branch immediately and ran to him. He was lying on the ground and his wound was continuously bleeding. She tried waking him up but didn't succeed.

"What have I done??? He'll die...", she was anxious. She checked his breathing and pulse, both were normal. But she knew that he wouldn't be able to make it if he was left unattended. To save him from dying, she placed her hand on his forehead and started healing him. She healed him to an extent that his bleeding stopped and took out her cell phone to call the ambulance but there was no network in the forest.

"Perfect!!! I was waiting for something like this to happen", she sighed and kept her cell phone back in the pocket. She thought for a while and then carried him to the highway. From where she took lift from someone and took him to the hospital.

" What happened to him?, a nurse asked.

"He slipped from stairs.",Aurora said whatever came first in her mind.

" Are you his family?"


"Then maybe you're his friend..."

"No... I just know him.", Aurora said and the nurse stared at her for a couple of seconds.

" We can't take him in without the consent of his family. Looking at his wound, he might get some stitches.", she said.

"But you can't leave him unattended. Please do something.", Aurora insisted.

" You've to call his family.", the nurse said and turned to leave when Elysian grabbed her hand.

"I... I don't have a family. I'm an orphan. Please help me.", he said. Her expressions became soft when she heard that and she sighed. " Well, if that's the case then we can proceed.", she took him to the operation theater and while taking him, she asked Aurora to complete the formalities.

She nodded and went to the reception desk and completed the paper work. She was upset that she had hurt an innocent man. She couldn't understand why she was so frustrated. This was the first time she had used her power without thinking and harmed a harmless and weak human. She took a deep breath and went to the market to get him some fruits and juice as an apology. Meanwhile, Elysian was awake this whole time inside the operation theatre pretending to be asleep. In about half an hour, he got his wound stitched and was told to wait for his friend, that was Aurora. He was wondering how he got hurt that bad that he got stitches. He was unable to comprehend why he got hurt since it was impossible for anyone to hurt him so easily. But there was that girl. "There's something wrong about her. She is definitely one of us but why couldn't I feel her aura? And I'm sure she didn't felt mine either. And there was something about het powers also...", thinking all these things, he went to the reception desk and asked about the hospital fee. "Your friend had already payed your bills, sir.", the receptionist replied. He nodded and left. Soon after he left, Aurora came back and started looking for him but the nurse who attended him told her that he was discharged ten minutes ago. Then she asked at the reception and was told that he had already left. She sighed and then walked out of the hospital. On her way home, she checked the time and it was quarter past three in the morning and by the time she reached home, it was 3:55 am. So she slept without changing.

On the other hand, Elysian was changing positions on his bed. He wasn't able to sleep at all. After many attempts when he didn't succeeded,he grabbed his cell phone from the side table and called his best friend Riley. He didn't received the first call but after sometime, Elysian called him again and he picked up the call.

"What happened, bud?", he asked in a sleepy voice.

"I need your help. Come fast.", Elysian said and before Riley could say anything, he hung up the call.

" At this hour? Are you...", he heard the beeping and understood that Elysian had cut the call. So he put the cell phone next to his pillow and closed his eyes when his phone rang again. He saw and it was Elysian who was calling. "I'm on my way", he said as he picked up the call and went outside grabbing his car keys. Within 15 minutes, he was with Elysian. He was looking at him with a confused expression. " C'mon bud, tell me the truth. How did you got hurt?".

"I told you everything that happened.", Elysian was losing his patience because his friend wasn't believing him. And how could he believe him? He very well knew how powerful Elysian was and he himself was one of them, the superior beings. And even he was unable to defeat Elysian in terms of strength so he knew that it was impossible for a girl to hurt him that bad.

"Listen buddy, if you blame that girl once again for all that has happened to you, I swear I'll kill you.", Riley was also annoyed.

" Shut up, Riley. Why would I lie? I saw with my own eyes. She is one of us but I couldn't feel her aura. It was like she doesn't have one. I saw energy waves emitting frim her hands. And I doged her first hit but got hit the second time.", Elysian explained.

"Okay, leave it. Why were you following her?", Riley asked again and Elysian told him everything that he saw at the college.

" Hmm... Despite of following her around, you could have asked her directly about what had happened in the garden.", Riley said opening the refrigerator door and taking out the ice tray.

"Yea. I could have done that. But don't you think that it's strange. She used her powers on me and hurt me. This is the first time I got hurt. I need to figure out what is she.", Elysian said slouching on the couch.

" Leave that to me.", Riley said with a wink. "But if what you are saying isn't true, then you'll regret it. You know how much I hate being lied to.", he continued.

" You can check for yourself.", Elysian said standing up. Seeing his friend coming towards him, Riley who was eating ice cubes smirked and said,"It's not you who is going to be checked. I trust you. I'll find out about her soon."

"Thanks, Riley.", Elysian said smiling.

" You said you know where she lives...",Riley asked.