

overthinking and failure
All of us know that overthinking is not actually a thinking process. It actually shuts down our capability to think clearly. Sometimes it leads to failures as well. Overthinking makes simple things complex and occasionally leads to our downfall.
Let me tell you a wonderful story of a Hungarian born illusionist and stunt performer. His name was Houdini and he was capable of breaking any lock. He was so confident that he issued a challenge to the people. The challenge was, "Anyone who will be able to lock Houdini will get a ransom." Many tried and failed. In the end, a police officer accepted the challenge and locked Houdini in a cell. Houdini then took a wire hidden underneath his belt and tried to open the locked door(His secret of breaking every lock was a wire that he always put underneath his belt). He tried over and over again but the locked door didn't open. In the end, Houdini gave up and asked the officer to open the door. Thus Houdini was defeated and the police officer got the ransom.Do you know why Houdini could not open the locked door?Because the door was never locked.