

Staged Fight
No it does not make me a coward for keeping my mouth shut and for not doing anything even though I so badly wanted to knock the living daylights out of every last one of you. It literally took every piece of resilience that I had within me to have been able to look you in the eye as you screamed in my face and spoke to me like no human being on this earth should be spoken to. The urge to kick ass became more and more intense as the abuse went on but it was my strength, my quietness, and my lack of emotion that saved me!! If I had given any back talk or tried to fight; you all would have ganged up on me and beat me to my death..... Then you were going to kill my mom as soon as she intervened because you were afraid that she was going to report what you guys did, so in order to silence her and to avoid having a jail sentence; your plan was to kill her once you finished killing me!! After we were both dead and laying on the floor in our own puddle of blood; your next step was to call the cops and use my mother's mental illness to turn the situation into a self defense crisis and to make it look like an accident. You would've said that she lost her mind, killed her daughter, and tried to kill you guys as well!! It was basically another "set up" and another booby trap that you sneaky slimy motherfuckers took the time to create; just like everything else that you put me through! None of the stuff you did to me was a mistake or was because of a rational cause and a natural cause.
I honestly did not think you all were loony enough to hate someone so much that you would purposely start an argument over any little random thing no matter how "off the wall" or ridiculous that it is and purposely try to piss them off to make them fight you, so you can have a reason to kill them in the middle of the fight. Premeditated assassinations are probably one of the coldest murders of any kind; in my opinion!!! Despite being a bunch of idiots; at least you know that you can't take a person's life without having a logical reason that would justify your actions before alerting the authorities. I'm amazed that you even had common sense to understand that. I suppose you're not as brainless as I assumed. Everyday I thank the lord that I listened to my gut feeling instead of acting on my impulses during those moments when you bastards would test me and push my buttons!! I just feel terrible for the other guys and females in the family that you picked to be your victim in the past time zones!! They were not strong like me and did not remain calm or handled the issue the way that I did. It's too bad some of them took the bait and lost their lives over a silly childish game that went too far. #fight #fighting #premeditatedmurder #kickass #kill #troublemakers #thelivingdaylights #boobytraps #emotionless #silence
© Kira The Snitch