

Ever been in some kinda situation where you feel like you're only alive for the sake of living? Well if you havent then I have. Sometimes I watch animals being slaughtered and I suddenly wish I can replace them. Don't blame me; I just wanna hang out with the devil a little. Simetimes, I look back and try to remember what actually broke me but I can't seem to place my hand on it. I have lived half of my life hiding, especially underneath a hoodie; running away from my pasts but trust me, it never works.

My name is Sekani Williams. The name mean Joy but I guess Momma named me wrong. I grew up in green valley, off Austin street, deep deep in Australia. I wouldnt say I grew up as a happy kiddo or had a lovely childhood. I'll just be honest. It was messed up. I grew up watching my dad beat my mum and rape my sister. I don't know the kind of s*x he wanted that my mum couldnt give him. Well I vouldnt fight back neither could my mum because the last time she did, he broke two of her ribs. I was just fifteen then so I handled my shits perfectly. I was really messed up. Yeah alot. The few friends I managed to have ended up leaving.

Everything was all on me. My dad stopping caring about us and all he cared about was his bottle of alcohol. My sis and I had to drop out of school and she, whom God blessed went into prostitution.

Everything was better until one day. My dad stabbed my sister to death because she refused to let him have his way. Horrible couldnt describe how I felt cause I badly wanted to kill him. I wanted to boil him in a pot full of hot oil. My mum couldnt handle the shock so she died instantly. I didnt cry. I wanted to be strong. I just felt numb as the anger and pain ive held back for years finally let itself out. I tried to report him to the police but as soon as he found out, he flogged me mercilessly and threatened to kill me if it gets out. Few weeks lateer, he married.

And I'll say my troubles began. And up till today, I regret one thing... Not fighting back. Don't pity me. Its my felony.

© Fiction.

Reeniewrites ❤🦋

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