

a glitch to Paradise
man you fool get up it is time to go farther away as the portal shuts close stop stop I say but the door keeps closing slower and slower as the door keeps shutting but won't stop the man runs through the unknown door to see a dark light hidden between two walls of girls and boys bathroom stall with yucky smells and beer battered breath hanging throughout the facility the weird man looks down on his arm telling the time on his watch the man yells it's 7:05 it's 7:05 I'm late but then time stops within clockwork the time goes backwards that's the whole story reverses and that's when the reader comes in. (the reader that's you) man you fool get up who was this man what was the door and what did the door lead to. today is Tuesday but not an average Tuesday a man named Mr Wilkins gets up like usual he makes breakfast walks outside after getting ready and goes to the portal room hello Mr Wilkins sir where are you going today I'm going to the glitch of paradise but Mr Wilkins that is not possible and no one has ever gone there and if so not on my shift we've heard very few people have ever come back Mr Wilkins freezes for a moment. and looks at his watch. it's 7:05 it's 7:05 I'm late I'm late. but Mr Wilkins what are you late for. I'm late for an eternity meeting the computer chips inside a broken or without it being fixed nobody will be able to travel. morning Mr Wilkins you know you are risking your life. yes I know and it is my job and I enjoy this job now send me to the glitches of paradise. right away sir the machine topples and tumbles with a thud. and a half colored rainbow comes through with shining light to show Mr Wilkins the Glitch he was looking for. one short computer chip fix and I'll be out cheered Mr Wilkins. oh no I just remembered my my computer chip wa-wa-was a-a-A-ATTT HOMEEE. Mr Wilkins realize that the portal was shut I know there's no way back through to the other side without a special identity key card. the key card was mostly to tell who lived in this town and if they were legal to travel or not. luckily Mr Wilkins had the card now all Mr Wilkins said to do was fine the slot to stick his card in. the next card slot isn't for the next 5 mi away or at least I think I can't read the sign it's backwards wait a minute if this signs backwards then our whole world will be backwards soon I need to fix this problem. without hesitation Mr Wilkins walked around the weird and mysterious biome he realized it was his town but everything was backwards so it was an opposite world when he said hello to the weird strangers walking up and down the street they said hello in reverse he couldn't understand. how am I going to order a pizza how am I going to call 911 if there's a fire in my house I can't unless. Mr Wilkins reaches into his pocket to find a 3DS and a 3DS has a camera but sadly no voice recorder he opens the camera puts his finger on the camera and pushes the record button he stops it after 1 minute and pushes the reverse button which forwards all the words he could finally understand what these people were saying numbers letters and everything. the only problem was the 3DS could only record up to 10 minutes there was more than 10 minutes worth of problems and people in this town. what am I ever going to do wait a minute the doubling machine there's got to be a doubling machine but I forgot money without money I can't double my product. you see in this town how it works is there stumbling machines you can use your ID to double things with money just stick your card in the slot and your money and pick the item you want and if it's not there scan it and they might have it in stock. Mr Wilkins looked around for dumbling machine why because you thought he could double his DS or the recording value on the 3DS anyway then gave up. finally Mr Wilkins came up to a shop with a sign that was reversed and unfortunately he could not record this since there was no people speaking or animals noises when he walked in he saw a man and a woman not staring at him facing the opposite direction actually waving at Mr Wilkins. Mr Wilkins disbelief here's gibberish (hahedojobadeba,zeuiylgfyq) what does that mean he gets out as 3DS search recording. he realized the 3DS recording forwarded said this is the card room please bring your ID to the machine and you may go anywhere. genius I can go home and then I can get the chip and come back. he put the card in as quickly as possible and clicked as many buttons as you could but no respond from the machine it was too late almost the glitch in Paradise. (remember Mr Wilkins if anyone is come here it's not in my shift and if they do manage to get here when I'm not here because there's other employees too they may not come back) after Mr Wilkins remembering that thought he knew that he might just be stuck. everyone no my house my family and friends they live here to right. but they didn't because this was opposite town. instead of panicking walk across the street found $10 bought a new chip put it back in that machine realizing it could have used it for the main problem in the main machine. great no I really do have to go home so he does just to find a little gift hidden on that same bathroom from earlier. it's a key blue black red and brown key. I see the big key let's go find where it will unlock. soon enough Mr Wilkins comes crossed a blue black red and brown cabinets. this must be it there was a note inside to Wilkins from dead dad and Mom we know you would find this one day we made it our mission to make it so you could save the day we went to put the power chip in the main problem source and we never came back but how did the s
chip get here well son the wrote a letter and put an extra chip in this cabinet in case we never came back and if you're reading this letter we never did how did the key get in the bathroom we give it to your nice boss who was very pleased and put it in this bathroom when you needed it most today from your dead mom and dad cherish this note go save the day son. with confidence Mr Wilkins went back to the portal went back to glitchy Paradise run as fast as he could to the main power force which was in a mall hidden in a vault which was seriously wrapped with hard metals that could not be broken with human hands after hours of breaking and tapping and hurting he finally broke it open Mr Wilkins signed the light on to everybody but they all started to crown him he put in the chip before the crown can be put on his head. (good morning my 28 year old son said Mom wake up said Dad you had a dream (wink wink get up you have to go to work) as son Wilkins got up ate breakfast and left the parents talked. (we are so thankful our son has revived us do you still have the letter yes dear I still have it let's hope he'll never have to read that note again but he did save us so when he gets home we're going to tell him) and that's exactly what the parents did when Mr Wilkins came home they told him what he did so then he said and surprising tone I know what I did and it was all over the news when I was at work I'm thankful to save people especially you........

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