

Hollow Scream
You trap me within these sound-proof wall
Without any sound escaping
You thought you're slick
For taken away my innocence
You ignited my anger from
Zero to hundred real quick
Damaging my reputation
How much energy you be drain from me
Until I become a walkin' dead

You manipulate them
I called family
You cause them to driven away
Another one from the grave
You turn my heart to frost

Can't you hear me?
Hollow Scream

How much signal I do for you
To open up
You got a vendetta against me
Then putting me into broken situation

Can't you hear me?
Hollow Scream

Now you thinking about self-death
Causing you to escape for what you done to me
You're so pathetic loser
Your love and promises are just play pretend
You filled my stomach with
Venomous snakes and spider

Can't you hear me?
Hollow Scream

Having them label me as a homewrecker
Is a foul games
Believe what you want
Killin' you with silent treatment
Cause you dead to me

Can't you hear me?
Hollow Scream

You entering my throne
Flame ignited like a third degree burn
Suck to be you
Sorry not sorry
© LunaticSiren