

I Turned Into An Elephant
Hello My name is Horace Augustine this is my story it was March 15 1845 I grew up in a town called Saluda North Carolina. I was 10 years old at the time I live with my two parents their names are Arthur Augustine and Sophrona Augustine they took care of me very well. One day they took me to the zoo we saw a lots of animals there it was so many different kinds of species there were reptiles, amphibians, and mammals. My dad took us on the other side where the largest mammals were there were five elephants swimming one started drinking water and then it splashed the water out of it’s trunk we all got wet my dad was laughing he thought it was funny. My dad’s favorite animal is the African elephant and my mom’s favorite animal is the southern giraffe soon it was time for us to leave after we came back from the zoo my dad brought a pill and water to me. I didn’t understand why I needed to take a pill I ask him why I need to take it he just told me to take it right now and so I did. I was thirsty so I started drinking the water after I got done taking the pill later I started feeling heavy my nose started growing long, my ears were getting huge, my legs was turning gray, and I was growing tusks. When I looked into the mirror I turned into an elephant I stayed in my room so I won’t scare my mom I knew my dad wouldn’t be scared because he loved elephants and my mom she likes elephants but not as much as my dad does my mom’s favorite animal is the southern giraffe. One morning it was time for me to go to school my mom yelled my name out and told me that the bus was here I didn’t say anything I just grabbed my launch, my book bag, and ran out the door that morning. On the bus everybody was staring at me some were very afraid and the bus driver had to stop and let me out. I had to walk to school that Friday morning and when I got to school I went to my class everybody was afraid and even the teacher was then I ran out of school I went somewhere far then I met my dad’s friend who also worked with elephants and his name is John. I went with John over to his house and John called my dad over then my dad told John what he did to me and John got very furious with my dad. That night the men decided to do a elephant show they put me in it I really didn’t won’t to I just wanted to go home I went on the show I performed tricks for the audience and everybody started laughing and clapping. After my show I was put in a zoo where all the other animals was then my friend came to rescue me his name is Charlie I was so happy to see him and he took me over to his house his parents were okay with me as long as I don’t do any harm Charlie knew about what my dad did to me he told his parents and they were furious with my dad it looks like the news what my dad had done to me was spreading all over the world because Charlie and his parents knew about it I wonder do the other children and their families know about it too? Soon it was bed time Charlie and I stayed up in the living room playing with Charlie’s toys we didn’t make any loud noises to wake Charlie’s parents we just played with the toys quietly.
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