

The Vermin
"Knock! Knock! Knock!"
The cracking sound of a heavy door ripped open the intoxicated silence.
"Sorry to interrupt you, I said. I saw a ray of light under the door, I just pushed it to see what was behind it."
I kept bringing forth an absolute cascade of words as I was standing behind the solid door I could only afford to open half way .
"Am I disturbing you? I hope not! I know it's been a while, crossing the desert to reach you. May I come in ? I won’t be long."
My voice echoed strangely through the room. Then a deafening silence invaded the space. There was nobody except me in this quite dark room, abandoned for ages. I could tell that because as I was moving forward cautiously, a mishmash of overlapping spider webs covered my face. A fine dust that filled the air almost instantly invaded my nose then my throat. I sneezed too loudly and again the sound of my voice echoed back. I raised my eyes towards what seems to be the stained glass window of a church.
"How the hell did I get here!" I gasped.
A shrill voice answered : "You tell me !"
I began to feel horribly frightened but I kept my head for all of that.
"Who’s speaking ? Where are you ? It is completely dark here and I can’t see you !" I claimed calmly as I was stumbling and fumbling in the dark, trying to find something familiar to grasp with my hands.
Finally, through persistence, I reached what seemed to be a dusty pew. I grabbed the back of the bank, took a step forward and finally sank into it. I felt somehow relieved to be on a position I could at last control. Unfortunately, the dust flied in the air and filled in my nostrils and made me sneeze again.
“ Bless you! ” replied the little voice to my noisy and moisty sneeze.
“Who are you?” I shouted, leaning forward, both hands flat on the bench. I could feel something tickling my left hand. I immediately moved my hand to get rid of this unpleasant sensation.
“Ouch! I just wanted to be nice with you after all, and you answer is to reject me!”
“ What the hell are you saying? I don’t even know where you are!” I retorted
“ Oh you! Sneaky human trash, scum of the earth! I was on your hand!”
“What? I don’t understand! What do you mean you were on my hand? Are you a fairy or something?”
“ Nah! I am a cockroach!”
“Yuuck, a cockroach? I was shivering with disgust to the idea that a loathsome insect was rambling all over my body. “I must be dreaming! It can’t be true! I must have been crazy with all those eerie events!”
“Hey, Yuuck yourself! You vermin!”
“Watch yourself and be careful what you say!” I started to feel itchy skin rashes erupting all over my skin!”
“Nah, I won’t shut up, your specie is a disaster for our planet. Soon, you’ll be completely erased thanks to your God. I read about it in the Bibles I eat, digest and expel all day long!”
“Aah, I see you are an educated pest, you can speak and read English!” My bulging eyes were throbbing in my eyelids and I couldn’t catch my breath anymore. An urgent need was quite literally itching me. I couldn’t bear that irrelevant and superfluous discussion. I wasn’t here to listen to the lyrical nonsense of an insignificant insect. I was here to draw your attention to tell you a big “Hello!”
“ I dearly despise the human kind. You made this heavenly place a hell from which YOU yearn to escape. Fortunately for us, WE were designed to resist any nuclear disaster! ”
“ Have you finished your tirade? ” I grabbed the Bible that was next to me and hit the insect with it.
“Serves you right! You get what you give! ”