

The Road to Grace Part 5
#dropeverything #younglove#highemotions#runaway
"Kelsey fucking McCann? Bullshit. You're lying."
"Don't say it like that..."
"Oh damn," a scrawny teen with greasy black hair twisted into a bun held up his hands, "defensive already. Must be a serious crush."
"You gonna pass that or what?"
"...Miss perfect know you're a pot head?"
Shawn grabbed the self rolled joint out of Tyler's hand, "...shut up...not exactly..."
"Ahh...so what else you leave out? Everything?"
"No... She knows about the wreck and some other stuff. Worry about yourself alright? I knew I shouldn't have said anything."
"You turn down Sasha to hang out with this rich bitch? Sasha puts out man and she liked you."
"Exactly. She likes everyone."
"Someone like you doesn't get to be picky."
Shawn looked down at his phone that vibrated; he handed the quickly shrinking joint back to Tyler.

Are you up? Can you please come pick me up? I had a bad fight with my mom.

Tyler started to laugh but ended up in a coughing, choking fit.

Pick you up? At your house?

"It's her...huh? Put that shit away. We're chilling."
"Smoke the rest of that and mind your own business."
"You're not even fun anymore."

I'm going to start walking. I'll be near 1217 Bishop Circle. If you're tired or busy I understand. I can't stay here.

I'll be there. Give me 15 minutes.

"As fun as sitting here being roasted was-I gotta go. See you around."
"What! Are you really blowing me off for a chick?"
"It's not that..."
"Liar. Have fun talking about bidet's and yachts."
"Later Tyler Ray."
Shawn didn't even bother to glance back. He could imagine the vulgar faces he was sporting.
He blinked hard as the cold night air hit him harder than a brick wall.
Almost like the out of nowhere text to go pick up Kelsey McCann.
He wanted to ask a million questions but he was sure she would fill him in once he got there.
He didn't like the idea of sitting around texting her especially if she was serious about walking in this cold.
He slid in his truck and turned the ignition as he grabbed his air freshener and doused the inside along with himself, hoping her sense of smell wasn't too strong.
He shook his head as he reached Bishop Circle moments later and indeed there was Kelsey with a backpack thrown over her shoulder in the middle of a tense power walk.
He rolled the passenger side window down, "Want a lift drifter?"
She didn't seem to think his comment was too comical. She threw her backpack in his truck bed, jerked his door open, jumped inside, and immediately demanded, "out of here, quick!"
"Uh...yes ma'am." said Shawn, a little shocked at her demeaner but nonetheless made a sharp u-turn but wasn't too sure on where his destination would be.
The first few minutes was full of awkward silence before Shawn decided to ask, "So...where are we going."
"I don't care... I'm sorry I'm just... I didn't know who else to call that wouldn't tell my mom. She took my car..."
Shawn pulled into the local park Abby  Hill's parking lot and turned to notice her wiping at her eyes.
"Are you alright?"
"Can you keep driving? I don't know how long it will take her to notice I'm gone. She'll probably call the cops."
"I will if you tell me what's going on."
"...My dad told her I had a guy with me at church. They were fighting so... I guess he threw me in it to take some focus off himself...one thing led to the other and...can we just go?"
"I'm sorry... I...bad luck follows me around I'm sorry you've gotten in trouble-"
"No! You're amazing. Picking me up with no explanation. I'm not as perfect as everyone thinks."
Shawn shook his head, "No ones perfect but...you're pretty damn close."
"Yeah...sure. I've not gotten a single acceptance letter to college yet. What if no one takes me and I'm stuck here...with her."
"Oh good God it's November! Alright now, I'm moving this truck not cause you demanded so but...to get your mind off of being so ridiculous. Not saying your fight was ridiculous... Kelsey, hey." He added as he caught the low sound of sobbing and she gave one of the weakest coughs he had ever heard he guessed in an attempt to mask her audible emotions.
"Are you okay?"
"...No. I just want as far away from here as possible."
"I'm driving but...I have a feeling you're not wanting a little random road trip."
"...Is there any way I can stay at your house. I'll sleep on the couch or something just until this dies down a bit."
His house? With Jay and Deanna?
The possibility made him want to pass out.
"Uh...you don't want to go to my house."
"Can I sleep in your truck then? I'm sorry I didn't mean to pull you into my troubles."
"It's twenty degrees out! You've lost your mind."
"I don't know what to do..."
Shawn felt nauseas as he shook his head, "uh...okay... but we might have to sneak in. And it's absolutely not my fault when you never speak to me again."
"Why wouldn't I?"
"I'm not exactly rich like you if you haven't noticed."
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"My house is embarrassing alright? I never bring anyone to my house."
"Just drop me off up wallrose avenue... I'm just being a burden."
"I am not just dropping you off on the street. Oh damn...okay, but don't say I didn't warn you."
"I don't care what your house looks like. I'll gladly sneak through a window to be somewhere peaceful."
Yeah...suuure. Nice and normal...