

I thought I loved you
I fell in love with a girl. A very beautiful and smart girl.... This is for her.

The first time I saw you I was mesmerized. I knew right then that you'd be mine. I loved you so much. You loved me back.

Everything was all good until I started to look back at my past. I forgot to break up with my ex. The very same girl that you always complained about. I saw you cry because you knew that I loved my ex. It hurt you. So bad. Did it hurt me? Don't get me wrong but by that time all I cared about was my ex. We were trying to fix things. You started treating me like the fuckboy that I was. I saw you try to love me still. I treated you like a fool.

Whenever you tried to leave I trapped you right back in. You weren't going to leave me just like that were you? Me? Your boyfriend! The love of your life? Never!
Trust me I knew I had you forever. I just couldn't choose between you and my ex. Selfish? I know.

Maybe I just didn't know what I really wanted. I just knew that whoever I cheated with you didn't care. Because you loved me. I loved you. Even though I didn't show it much I loved you.

Time is a winged chariot. You always reminded me of that yet I still took you for a fool. Fast forward you had enough of me. God! You sure were fed up weren't you?

You fell in love with the other guy and I knew that that love that I had wasted all those years will be poured on him. You didn't break up with me. I know I acted up whenever we broke up so I don't blame you for anything really. I just regret everything. I thought I loved you but I was wrong. I just wanted to use you and own you. You always knew that I loved my ex.

My pride doesn't allow me to apologize so I don't know what to say. Heal your tiny lil heart? I miss you though. I wish I could have another round of fooling you but I'm afraid that you are WOKE!

Love. The boy that wasted your time and love.