

Mr. Hyde is a man | part 3
"Why do people call you disaster?"

The voice was the voice of a little girl. The girl was now standing under the light of the lamp and her face was clear. She had hazel brown hair and bright blue eyes. it was small It could be said that he was 12 or 13 years old.

Hyde glared. "Because I'm a disaster, kid," he grinned menacingly.

The girl did not run away. did not scream don't be afraid He stood there calmly and thought. He was not like others. After a while, he said: "The question is, does being a disaster make sense with the existence of people, or does it stick to one's identity...?"

Hyde looked at him. He tilted his head slightly. The grin was still on his face.

The girl continued: "There is a saying that says that if a tree falls in a forest, if there is no living creature to hear it, there is no sound. Because the concept of sound is dependent on the existence of others. I think the same is true of being a disaster." "

Hyde stared for a while. He seemed to think to himself, what kind of creature is standing in front of him. "So you're saying I'm not a disaster if there's no one, huh?"

"Actually, you're not a disaster right now. Because I don't think so, and neither is anyone else here."

Hyde chuckled. He was fascinated by this strange girl. "But I don't think so. I think it's both. In fact, part of being a disaster is attached to my personality and part of it is determined by people's eyes."

The girl's eyes shone. "How interesting. Both logical and seemingly illogical! I love answers like this."

Hyde was surprised by the girl's excitement. "What's your name girl?"

"Ana. What's your name?"

"My name? Hyde. Edward Hyde."

"Edward is a beautiful name! I like it."

Edward was more surprised. "I think you are the first person to compliment my name."

Anna smiled sweetly.

“How old are you…Anna?” Hyde asked.

"12 years old."

"That's right. May I ask a question?"

"Hmm. Ask dear Edward."

Dear was a word Edward had never heard of himself.

"Why don't you run away? Don't you know I might hurt you? I'm the curse of London."

Anna did not answer. After a while, he finally said: "Because I enjoy talking to you."

Edward was shocked. "Pleasure?"

"Yeah." He took out a chocolate from his bag. "Take it. I have another idea."

Edward took the chocolate. "Nobody usually does me a favor without meaning to. What do you want?"

Anna looked at him for a while.

"Let's be friends."
© Mehraban.K.T